Missoula elementary schools get out at 11 this morning. On top of that, there’s no school tomorrow.
I guess it’s parent-teacher conference time or something.
So I’m taking the chance to head over to Helena so my son can visit his grandparents. I don’t get over there much anymore as I work every Friday and Saturday night.
Maybe when I’m there I’ll head up to the Capitol and file to run for the legislature.
As I told you yesterday, there are 9 legislative seats here in Missoula that have no Republican candidates.
Right now the GOP is desperately looking for placeholder candidates, people that don’t really campaign or even try. That way at least the local GOP can get an idea of how many GOP voters are in each district come November.
I could help with that, simply by filling out a 1-page form and paying $15.
But is the GOP for me? I know the Montana Democrats aren’t. They refuse to talk to me, call me a Republican, and want absolutely nothing to do with me.
Alas, the Montana GOP calls me a liberal. Guess I’m damned either way.
Another option is the Green Party – which I’ve heard has secured the required number of signature to get candidates on the ballot.
This is a lot better than running as an Independent, which usually requires you to get 120 to 150 signatures from registered voters just so you can get on the ballot.
That’s tough.
While 60% of Montanans consider themselves Independents, most will still vote D or R.
Kinda one of the reasons I laugh when progressive Dems get angry about Tester’s recent vote to deregulate Wall Street. No matter what, they’ll still vote for him come November. Tester knows this. He counts upon it.
Anyways, I’ve got about an hour and a half and then it’s headin’ out of town.
Have a good weekend.