Friday was the seventh school day in a row that I was home with my daughter.
She should be in daycare. We pay $850 a month for that. But she has a runny nose, so she has to stay home. The daycare still takes our money.
Over the past six weeks, she’s been home for three of ‘em.
I was planning on getting another part-time job after the election. Something, I dunno what, maybe something to help out some of our struggling small businesses.
I was hoping to work just a few hours a day in the late-mornings, early-afternoons.
But it’s become obvious to me that this is simply impossible.
Maybe my little girl will be fine next week, able to go to daycare. But what about the week after that?
You just don’t know. And I’m sure an employer would love a new employee calling up and saying, ‘Sorry, but I’ve got to take today off because my kid is home sick...maybe tomorrow too, and the next day - I just don’t know.’
If my kid ain’t sick, someone else’s will be, and mine will get it. Or it’ll be a close-contact covid case (her daycare closed for two weeks already because of that).
It’s very frustrating.
In a sign of what’s likely to come, a Florida judge tossed out a city’s vaccine mandate.
It all started when the city’s city manager ordered all city employees to get the vaccine, at least one shot by October 1. Over 200 city workers sued.
The city, Gainesville, felt so confident that the mandate would hold on its own weight that they didn’t bother putting forth any arguments or evidence at the injunction hearing.
So the judge tossed it out. The city gave no comment on this.
I think this is what will happen all over the country - overzealous and overreacting governments feeling so confident that they blow it.
Biden’s blown everything else he’s done, so I feel he’ll blow this one as well.
Thank God!
Ryan Zinke’s got a letter to the editor in the Missoulian this weekend. I didn’t read it, but I suppose it’s something about him feeling good about Montana, hoping you remember he’s running for office next year.
No way Bishop, Neuman, or Tranel is gonna beat Zinke. Hm, let’s see...he won in 2014 with 55,000 votes. Took ‘16 with 80,000. No statewide GOP got that many votes in ‘20. It’s gonna be a route.
I put that comment on the Missoulian article. So far, I've gotten 7 downvotes.
Where the hell are these people living? I guess in the world of make-believe.
We used to have this mantra in America called, In God We Trust.
That’s so passe.
Let’s change that to Every 90 Days. Because really, that’s all we care about.
Selling as much product as possible, no matter the risks. Maximizing profits. Delivering the returns to shareholders. Meeting the expectation of the quarter. Making Wall Street happy.
Like rats on a wheel...Every 90 days.
The Pope has declared that anyone that criticizes him is doing the work of the devil.
“I personally may deserve attacks and insults because I am a sinner, but the Church does not deserve this. It is the work of the devil,” he said. let me get this straight:
It’s alright to attack the Pope because he’s a sinner. But we can’t attack the church, right?
Is this the same church that had over 1,700 priests abusing countless thousands of children on countless thousands of Sundays after Mass?
So...we’re not allowed to criticize that...because that would be “the work of the devil” to do so?
But molesting children is ok.
Thanks, Pope - thanks for clarifying that!
Who the fuck cares about Gabby Petito or Brian Laundry?
I don’t. I haven’t talked to a single person that does. But the corporate media sure cares.
It’s fun to see some pushback against that from the ‘missing indiginous’ crowd. They wonder why no one cares about their missing family members.
Um...because you’re not white. It also helps if you're young and blond.
Every few years the media gets itself into a tizzy with these silly stories. Things like the Cuban boy Elian Gonzalze, the disappearance of Chandra Levy, the Scott Peterson case...and tons more.
No one cares about these people. If they did, we’d hear about them after the media sensation ends. But we never do.
Of course, the real problem is us.
If we didn’t click these stories or watch those news broadcasts, the corporate media would change their tune real fucking quick.
All they care about is money. Sadly, we enable their greed.
It’s clear to me that we’re heading for a civil war in this country.
I don’t know how it’ll start, or when...but it’s coming.
We hate each other. We can’t even have civil conversations anymore. Everything is about politics. If someone doesn’t agree with your point of view, they’re the enemy; they deserve to die.
Half the country wants the other half to die. This mostly comes down to those that drank the Big Pharma Kool-Aid.
Those that have, they blame the unvaccinated for killing them.
Um...if the vaccine worked, that wouldn’t happen. But it doesn’t work, that’s so obvious by now.
Ever hear the unvaccinated blame those that have had the shot? Nope. Why is that?
It’s because half the country doesn’t feel the need to vilify the other half. Mostly, it’s just Democrats that do that, egged-on by their corporate media, which in turn is funded by Big Pharma.
That’s how it’ll start - Big Pharma, feeling they aren’t making enough profits, will tell their media peons to ramp-up the hate against the unvaccinated, and the talking heads will happily oblige.
Weeks… long before those talking heads start to encourage the killing?
Right now, they’re telling us to keep the unvaccinated out of stores, out of work, and separate from family members.
How long before they tell the unvaccinated to just die already? It won’t be long after that before they say we should just be killed.
That’s when the camps will start. And the war with them.
At this point, I think it’s inevitable.