Has-been’s...never-we’re’s...nobodies...losers - that’s the Montana Legislature.
They think they’re important, but they’re not. No one cares about these people. In fact, we wish we could get rid of them.
Politicians. Closer to home, the worst they are.
Are these clowns still in session?
Because, honestly...I can’t think of one way they’ve impacted my life this session.
The reason for that is simple - I’m a low-class, low-income loser.
The legislature has no use for me, as I have no use for them.
Frankly, I’m lucky I got off so Scott-free this session. Nothing in my life has changed.
I suppose there are some around the state that have seen impacts from this session. I’ve never met ‘em.
No, I think we got off pretty lucky with this session.
What did they do?
I can’t think of a single thing.
How will it impact me?
Oh...that’s right, it won’t.
What’s that you say...they’re still in session?
By God, you could have fooled me.
We’re lucky they did so little to impact our lives this session. Let’s hope we’re as equally lucky two years from now, when the clowns meet again.