For the past couple of days there’s been tons of comments on the site’s numerous posts.
I guess the Orlando shooting coupled with Hillary’s coronation have gotten a bee up the ol’ bonnet, eh?
Of course, the real problem are the antagonists that come into other people’s camps and kick the hornet’s next.
For the most part, this is Pete Talbot.
Hot off his election to the state nominating convention – which I gave him a vote for – and then his string of posts on ID, Talbot is ready to stir things up…just in someone else’s backyard.
I can’t help but think of those Hillary supporters/Trump protesters that go to a Trump rally and then cause disturbances, many of which result in eggs in the face or police having to break things up.
Are you noticing a trend?
Yeah, it’s hard-line Democrats this year that seem to be causing the most trouble.
I’m glad we get some reports on this from a few of the state blogs, RD especially.
I expect the defensiveness of these hard-liners will stay put, as Hillary is on the ropes.
- She’s going to get monumental blowback on her unconfident stance on guns.
- She’s going to get endless pestering from Trump over the $25 million the Clinton Foundation took from Saudi Arabia. (She also got about $5 million from Oman, $1 million from Morocco, and maybe some from Yemen).
- She’s going to be questioned about the FBI investigating her right now, and right at the time when we talk about the FBI investigating the Orlando shooter.
This is all hard to handle for hard-line Democrats that feel that, without Hillary in office, their lives will…what?
Get worse?
How is your life going to get worse with Trump in office?
Well…it just is, OK, so stop asking and be a good Democrat and vote Hillary, damn it!
No, really…what is Trump going to do?
That really depends who you are.
If you’re like me or perhaps the people at RD then nothing much will happen.
We don’t own stocks, we don’t own property, we don’t have the cushy jobs and the pension on the line.
We don’t have nothin’.
So Trump doesn’t scare us, nor do the Democratic hard-liner scare tactics do much to scare us.
It’s like Bullock.
Despite the terrible showing in turnout, he’s doubling-down on the same issue of public lands and stream access.
Wow, I wasn’t aware that’d worked so well…or is coming up 24,000 votes short in turnout working for you?
It’s like Hillary and her scare tactics, however…if it ain’t working, just hit harder and hope it does.
At this point I expect Democratic losses in November to be monstrous.
Or will we engineer another false flag attack to distract us, like we did this week to distract us from the California vote counts (which can take 3 weeks) and the D.C. Primary and whatever else might be going on that the corporate media isn’t telling us about?
My, what a show that Orlando shooting was, huh?
Alternative media is blowing up with conspiracy theories on that one.
Oh, I guess I’m a conspiracy nut now.
So what?
Like your Hillary’s scare tactics with Trump, I don’t care.
Why should I, and to take it a bit further, what exactly is there to care about?
What you think of me…what others think of me…my political future or ability to get a job?
Oh, please.
To me, the whole story just stinks. And when you believe that your own government killed a president in 1963, bombed its own ships in 1964, and brought down two buildings in 2001 it’s not a stretch to think that this Orlando shooting is bogus either.
Of course, I’m sure that opinion will bother lots of people.
Isn’t it convenient that many of those people are clamoring for new gun laws?
And that’s why Hillary will lose the election – no one cares.
Oh, you can say lots of people do…but they don’t.
If they did, we’d have tougher gun laws. But we don’t because our bought-and-paid for Congress won’t even vote on them.
So keep blaming me, and let those fat cats in Washington keep making $175,000 a year or so.
Oh, look at them there, smiling at you.
They don’t care about you at all.
Sure, you pay that measly pay of theirs but the corporations give them a lot more, millions of dollars each election cycle.
No, they don’t care about you.
But keep electing them…maybe that’ll change.
So here we are, the country falling apart around us, the nation divided between D’s and R’s with even more standing on the sidelines thinking both groups are crazy.
We are crazy.
Our system is not working and our government is broken. Worse, it’s likely killing it’s own people to make a point.
Oh, and when I say our government I’m not really talking about the president or congress or the courts – they have no power.
No, our government is a small clique of rich bankers and industrialists, the same as it’s ever been.
Those folks call the shots, using their Bank of International Settlements to do it.
We’re just a colony of the global banking industry, same as Europe and most other places.
Whether Trump or Hillary ‘wins’ in November, we’ll be moving closer to our Second American Revolution.
I’m thinking it’ll hit around 2020 when either of those two decides not to run again.
It’ll be clear they’d lose, as by that time their presidencies would have been such utter failures that the Bernie movement will seem like a band concert in the park.
It’ll be clear why they wanted to take away our guns when that time comes, but then a good portion of the population already found that out the hard way.
But this conversation isn’t really about gun control, is it?
You know that won’t make your life better, you know that full-well.
No, whether a gun is in your house or not, your wages will remain stagnant, your bills will keep piling up, and hope will be as fleeting as ever.
We won’t talk about that because we like to talk about our minority issues.
Gays (making up 3% of our population) will get a lot of talk, as will Muslims (making up 1.7% of our population).
Perhaps we can even throw abortion into the mix (makes up 0.6% of the population).
My, how the corporate media and our two bought-and-paid-for corporate parties like talking about issues that don’t matter to you and don’t affect you.
I say don’t matter, even though the TV has you thinking otherwise (haven’t you turned that shit-box off yet?).
Anyways, I hope you continue to think and to question.
Many will chastise this for you, and in that regard, we might as well get rid of the First Amendment while we’re chipping away at the Second.
Strange days in America, and they’ll likely get a lot stranger.
You know I’ll have it all covered for you, so keep stopping by.