The Montana Democrats are in shambles.
The greatest evidence of this is the Senate race.
Democrats know their only chance of beating Daines is having Bullock run, and yet the guy says he doesn’t want to.
Dems in Montana won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, however. The reason is simple - they know they have no one else that can win.
Where the idea is coming from that Bullock can win is beyond me. He’s been a terrible governor. Montana is lucky Trump gave a shot of adrenaline to the economy. Without that, our state would be doing a lot worse than it is now.
And then the news about Romano came out.
Arntzen was weak until that news came out. Now she’ll coast to an easy win. Romano has raised $27,000 since she started her run, while Arntzen has raised $20,000.
Money isn’t the issue in this race. The issue is drugs, and our kids, and we all know that Arntzen will steamroll Romano on this. Romano doesn’t have a chance.
The governor’s race has already been written-off.
It’s the lackluster slate of candidates, more than anything. You’ve got the 65-year-old Cooney. Watching paint dry is more interesting than him.
Next up is the nepotistic transplant, Whitney Williams. There’s a good chance Hillary lite will take the primary in 177 days. I hope she does.
Of course, if I was forced to vote for a Democrat, I’d vote for Casey Schreiner. It’s just that everyone in the state knows he’s not going to win.
We’re also forgetting one of the greatest gifts to the GOP - all the empty seats that Dems are creating.
I don’t know how many legislators are giving up their seats to try their luck at statewide offices, but it’s a lot.
Just a further eroding of the already eroded bench.
So just to recap, Dems are giving up legislative seats for longshot runs, which will make the legislature even more red.
This is such a gift to Gianforte!
He’ll take office in January 2021 with a friendly legislature that will give him his zero-growth budget, and the tax cuts he wants.
Social services will be decimated. This is good. We have a huge worker shortage in this state, and when the lazy-asses get their food stamps cut off and are forced to work, our economy will do even better.
Dems will do their best to counter this, mainly by playing around on social media all day.
Yeah, the idiots in charge of the various campaigns actually think they can find votes on Facebook and Twitter.
Thousands of dollars will be spent trying to woo you, and yet those efforts will all fall flat.
The people that vote in Montana don’t do social media all day. The people that vote are older, and the Dems’ efforts to capture their interest and attention are not working, nor will they work.
As we progress further into the cycle, this will become more and more apparent to the Dems,and they’ll begin to lash out.
Just digging their graves even deeper.
For years we’ve known that the Dems’ strategy in Montana does not work, and yet that strategy has not changed.
And why should it?
The people at the top make out like bandits. The young kids working on the campaigns get thousands of dollars in pay each month. doesn’t matter - they make bank.
And that’s exactly how the Dems in Montana want it.
To them, they are winning. Electoral success has nothing to do with it.
Nothing will change between now and November 3.