That’s right – nothing.
Since 1971 we’ve had nothing backing up our money.
That’s when we got off gold and silver, which had been the most stable system from 1870 until then.
We did this because the nation was in such a sorry state financially that Nixon felt this was the only choice.
We had monumental inflation and we got rid of gold backing up the dollar so we could export that inflation to Saudi Arabia, a country that was eager to accept oil payments in dollars.
So in that regard we have oil backing up the US dollar and that’s why we call it the petrodollar.
This is a fraudulent system, as it encourages the unlimited printing of paper money, something that eventually diminishes the purchasing power of the dollar.
Doesn’t sound too bad unless you’re on a fixed income and your purchasing power goes down, or if you’ve saved a lot and now it’s lost value as well.
So in the 70s we switched over to Federal Reserve Notes, which made it a lot easier to engage in fraud.
You see, the American dollar is often called the petrodollar because that’s what’s supposedly backing it up – oil.
It’s why the US has such a stranglehold on the world, because it forces the world to use its currency, which is backed up with nothing but fraud.
Currently nothing is backing up the petrodollar, or those Federal Reserve Notes in your pocket, except brute force and muscle.
That’s where the American military comes in, which is nothing more than a mercenary force used by the Bank of International Settlements and the CIA to enforce the will of the petrodollar.
Don’t believe me?
Take sanctions.
Because we can force the rest of the world to use just one currency – our own – we van also lock up that currency.
All those Federal Reserve Notes are forced through the system of Federal Reserve banks, whether they’re in the US or abroad.
If a country, say Iran or North Korea, is not doing as we like, we’ll just lock up their assets.
That’s quite easy as the petrodollar is based on nothing physical or tangible – like it had been prior to 1971 – and that means it’s just blips and dashes on the computer screen.
When a nation decides to play ball again, or do as it’s told by those controlling the petrodollar, it’ll have its assets unfrozen.
That’s exactly what we saw happen last year with the Iran Deal, when that country got billions of its own money back.
So that’s the carrot and the stick.
Do what we want and we’ll let you use our money, which is the only money there is.
Alas – and thankfully for all ethical people – that fraudulent system is coming to an end.
Currently we have all the BRIC nations joining together at the behest of China to form a new world currency.
This will of course be based out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) that China is setting up, a bank that has tons of gold to back up its currency.
The AIIB has 37 member states and another 20 states that have non-regional status.
These are countries that want to get away from the fraudulent system of the petrodollar and the continuous wars that America engages in to prop that system up.
And don’t think for one second that only ‘rogue’ nations are joining the AIIB. Here’s a list of some of the big ones:
- Australia
- Austria
- Brazil
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Iceland
- India
- Israel
- Italy
- South Korea
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Poland
- Saudi Arabia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- UK
Lots of big-economy countries there that are sick of the fraudulent US system.
The US is not a member of AIIB, nor will we ever be. We had hissy-fits when some of our allies joined.
The system over in Asia is too responsible for us, not fraudulent enough. Yeah, those rich bankers can’t manipulate it to benefit themselves.
Our system is based on fraud and propping up the petrodollar with our military.
People like Muammar Gaddafi in Libya found this out firsthand.
Remember, in 2011 there was a civil war in Libya, part of the manufactured Arab Spring that the West rolled out on that part of the world.
At the time Libya had 144 tons of gold and used that to support its gold Dinar currency (the US supposedly has 8,000 tons…though there is no real verification of this, and China supposedly has 10,000 tons or more).
Libya was also oil rich, meaning they didn’t have to accept a depreciating currency (the US petrodollar) for payments for their oil.
Why would you want to take money that’s going to be worth less in a year when you can rely on your own money, which is stable due to its gold-backing, and when other responsible nations (those in AIIB) can also rely on their stable currencies?
You wouldn’t, and for the fraudsters in the US, that’s bad.
So they went in and toppled Gaddafi and set up a system that’s only using the petrodollar, not the far-superior gold-backed Dinar that was in place.
It’s because of what happened to countries like Libya that responsible countries (those not engaging in a fraudulent monetary system, like the US) created a military bulwark to protect themselves.
This is Asia’s NATO.
It’s called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO.
Iran, Pakistan and India are all in the SCO now. Asia is flexing its muscles, and it knows the Brexit will work wonders for it.
I expect we’ll see more nations join SCO, perhaps even Turkey. Remember, the dark forces of the CIA staged a false flag attack there yesterday after Turkey’s president Erdogan apologized to Russia for shooting down a warplane.
Clearly Turkey is not getting the message that it needs to stay with the fraudulent US system, so the CIA was sent in yesterday to knock some sense into them.
Oh, we can say it’s ISIS or ISIL or whatever we want to call it, but we know that America allows that group to function, even gave them the weapons and the Toyota trucks.
Or is it somehow not possible for us to pinpoint and target the massive oil refineries and shipment ports ISIS is using to enrich themselves, it’s not possible for us to tap into their banking networks and shut them down?
No, I don’t believe that for one second.
So we false-flagged Turkey, and maybe that’ll end that leaving the EU talk. Remember, this came after Erdogan had tough words for Germany – and threatened to leave the EU – earlier this month.
Consider the June 24-26 meeting between Putin and China’s Xi Jingping.
Didn’t hear about that one? Why am I not surprised.
Well, the two met in Beijing to discuss how they can strengthen the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Haven’t heard of those things?
Well, what did you expect…you just get your news from the American corporate media, right?
So what we have here is a serious threat to the American system of fraud, and I couldn’t be happier to see it.
One Belt, One Road (as the China system is often nicknamed) is a monumental project that’s expected to cost $890 billion.
Unlike America, China pours money into infrastructure. They just had another $40 billion cash infusion to complete high-speed routes out of China to the Middle East, Central Europe, and Europe beyond.
Yes, they’ll be using high-speed rail while in America our rail infrastructure is in such shambles that we hear about an Amtrak wreck almost weekly now.
It’s clear that the Euro is collapsing as a currency. I fully expect that the strongest country in the EU – Germany – will pull out and go back to the Deutschmark.
Again, why rely on a fraudulent financial system that uses a shoddy currency that continually depreciates in value?
That’s what the American dollar is and the rest of the world is getting sick of it.
They’re sick of taking a shoddy currency for payment, knowing it’ll lose money, when they can rely on their own gold-backed currencies.
That’ll get a lot easier too as the AIIB takes off and offers an alternate to the petrodollar.
What will the US do when there’s another form of money on the block, one that nations can use instead of its fraudulent petrodollar?
At that point their military interventions against ‘rogue’ nations won’t really matter – the fraudulent system of the petrodollar relies on the whole world using it. If the whole world is not, the system comes toppling down.
But we don’t really look at long-term in this country anymore, and we don’t get our news and opinions anywhere but talking heads from corporate.
So keep looking at that Dow and keep dreaming.
Some of us know what’s going on, however, and since you read this site, you do too.
Use that information wisely.
And don’t lose hope. I’m more hopeful than ever, and feel that we’re doing better than ever.
The financial elite are worried, as they should be. More and more people are waking up to see how things really are.
The rest of the world isn’t going to take it, and here in America many of use are starting to realize how evil and corrupt we actually are.
I love it.
We’re on the cusp of change, of real and tangible change.
You can feel it around you each day, can’t you?
Things are changing and I feel we have a real opportunity to take this country back, to run these fools and charlatans, hucksters and frauds right on out of here.
My God, we’ll do it, we sure will.