Right now the 2015 Montana Legislature continues to make an ass of itself, much like they did two years ago to the jeers and chagrin of the nation. Few things change in the Treasure State, and GOP/Tea Party ignorance, intransigence, incompetence, ineptitude, idiocy, indifference and irrationality are some of them.
At the same time, amazing things can happen in the world of politics, and they can happen fast and seemingly out of nowhere, and for no logical or rational reason that anyone can comprehend.
- The people of a state can be hoodwinked and bamboozled and an actor can be elected governor. Hell, that’s happened twice.
- A 4-termer can get involved with a pothead mistress and see his whole political career go up in smoke. Jeez, that’s just a couple states over.
- An aid that you’re too close to could kill someone while driving drunk, and you could get caught with the dirty laundry. Damn, that’s right in our own backyard.
The point is, anything can happen. That’s why I don’t much care bout going after corruption, and corrupt officials. That goes for both sides of the aisle. I don’t much care about going after union bosses that are making six figures, because this reflects badly upon every person in that union and ensures the legislature will not appropriate funding to teachers that need it.
People shouldn’t be afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes. And for those that think only the big guy with all the resources can win, check out the Tortoise and the Hare. Just about all we need to know was taught to us in preschool, in books that often have more pictures than words. Of course, pictures and moving images have been beaten into us all the years since then, trying to erase that common sense right out of us.
Think about it – if your grandma were here she’d kick you upside the head.
What the hell are we doing! This country is a mess, and this state is sliding toward oblivion. The 2015 Legislature was just about the worse in most people’s memories, or at least back to deregulation. Fred Thomas is there, so you know it’s messed up.
It’ll be a good show this year. Art Wittich will get his last, dying political breaths in while lackeys like Speaker Knudsen will tug on those corporate puppet strings. I’d imagine some outrage will be expressed by Democrats, but it’s all show at this point – things have pretty much been decided.
What has been decided?
- Montana will continue to lag behind other states when it comes to healthcare and the cost for that care.
- Residents in Montana will get poorer while the rich transplants will have new ways to avoid taxes.
- The oil industry will get a huge infrastructure handout at no cost, one that will likely see little use in the coming decades.
- The state will continue to allow neighboring, non-agricultural states develop the R&D and infrastructure on the biggest cash crop of the 20th and 21st centuries…yes, pot.
- Montana’s generations-old dilemma of having a shaky, two-legged tax stool will remain unresolved.
- Issues that affect a tiny minority of both parties will be pushed to the exclusion of anything meaningful that could impact your life.
Those are just some of the “accomplishments” of the 2015 Montana Legislature. It really is sad. What can be done? Issues. There are no 2016 candidates that anyone is going to get really excited about, so it has to be issues.
Will the Democrats come up with the right issues to get voters excited about them? I’m not holding my breath.