I went to the library yesterday.
It was the first time in over a year I’d been in there. It’s a new building - it cost us $30 million, which the county will be paying off for decades.
The reason I went was simple - Bill O’Reilly has a new book out.
His “Killing series” is the most successful non-fiction book series in history. I’ve never read any of them, so I decided...instead of paying $20 for the new one, why don’t I just check out an old one from the library?
So I got “Killing the SS,” I’m a few pages into it, and it’s pretty good.
I went to the library yesterday just before noon.
Staff are guarding every door, making sure you sign-in for contact tracing purposes (I didn’t give my phone number, so that’s useless), and making sure you put a wristband on (only 100 are allowed into the building at one time).
Of course, every single employee was wearing a mask.
I made it a point not to wear one. Every patron I saw as I quickly checked out the new 4-story structure was wearing a mask.
I could tell from the looks of the masked at me - the non-masked - that I was the enemy.
It’s going to take a huge sea-change of thinking on this one. It used to be that if you weren’t wearing the mask, you were the enemy. Now those that are wearing the mask are the enemies.
It’s all bullshit...right now.
Biden admitted yesterday that there is no enforcement of the new mask mandate, meaning if you aren’t vaccinated and aren’t wearing a mask...there’s nothing that can be done.
Just you wait.
The deadline is July 4, and if we don’t get to 70% by then...watch out. I fully expect that after that date, all of my assets will be seized just before I’m sent off to the FEMA concentration camps.
It happened really quickly in Germany 90 years ago; it’ll happen just as fast here, probably faster.
It's happening right now.
AMERICA AAAAAAAA ??? pic.twitter.com/RNkpQfR6Iq
— Simone Hanna (@simonelhanna) May 14, 2021