Look at us.
72% of Americans are overweight or obese.
To put it another way, just 28% of Americans are healthy.
Is it any wonder that over 10 million of us have gotten the virus, and nearly 250,000 have died from it?
We’re lucky that 99.997% of people that get it survive it. Imagine if something serious came along.
72% of the American population is 236 million people. If something with even a 10% death rate came along, then 23 million people would be dead.
That’d sure bring housing prices down!
Mostly, I’m tired as hell of this virus, these lockdowns, business closures, and the destruction to our families, our kids, and our mental health.
Missoula’s a tough enough place in the winter with all the inversions and lack of sunlight...and now we’re likely going to have more closures?
God, I’m sick of these tiny tyrants in local government!
And then we have the work situation. When the feds were involved, I was getting $760 every week.
Then it was just the state, and I got $160 and then that went down to $140 for the most recent weeks.
Now I’m just getting $40 a week. All the fed money ran out and the state is exhausting its reserves.
$40 a week? Thanks. It’s not like I had a hand in reducing my hours from 30 a week to the current 4 (this week will likely be zero).
No, it was the government bureaucrats that did that. Each and every one of them is still collecting their full pay. There is no sacrifice in their households. Why should there be? They’re clearly better than us.
Depending on your age and your health, you might or might not agree with me on all this.
We’re destroying not only our states and our cities, but our country and our whole society. And it’s not we - we’re powerless to do anything about it.
God it’s frustrating!
But what can you do?
That might be the most frustrating thing of all...how powerless we are in the face of such unbridled oppression and trampling of our rights.
At least precedence has been set for businesses to overcome the mask mandate. In fact, if the state takes a business to court over the mandate and can’t prove the virus spread because of that business, then the state most likely will have to pay that business’s legal fees.
This is a huge success for liberty, freedom, and the American way.
Still...when will it end?
God, it has to at some point...doesn’t it?