We had some success in the legislature this week; we had some failure.
A big success was the defeat of the local option sales tax bill. This bill would hurt poor people while providing them absolutely no benefit whatsoever.
Those paying property taxes might have seen a slight decrease in the amount of tax they pay each year. The rich would have made off like bandits.
A big failure was the defeat of the legalization of marijuana bill. Montana lost tens of millions of dollars in tax revenues, all because of bunch of old white rich men don’t want people to have the personal freedom to decide what they can and can’t put into their bodies.
Another failure was Ed Buttrey’s medicaid work requirements bill. I don’t mind the requirements - I have a job and work enough and can figure out how to report.
What irks me are the millions of dollars we’ll piss away each year to create 84 new full-time positions to administer Buttrey’s big government program. It’s a shame people think he’s conservative.
In other news, the Democrats need to get their shit together.
I loved this line from Montana GOP operative Jake Eaton about Mike Cooney:
“Being a 60-year old white male who’s lived in Helena and worked for government his whole life is not really compelling,” said Eaton. “He’s the guy who has managed to be around politics for 40 years, yet nobody knows who he is.”
The biggest gift for the Montana GOP next year will be Mike Cooney running for governor.
I can’t think of anyone under 40 that’s going to get excited to see this man give a speech. Since Democrats think they’re the Party of the young, this could become problematic.
We already know Democrats can’t excite voters enough to turn them out to vote in this state, and Mike Cooney on the gubernatorial ticket next November won’t help.
Then again, not much is going to help Democrats.
Democrats in America have huge problems right now. It’s the same way in Montana.
Voters around the country just aren’t voting for them anymore. Ten years ago, Democrats controlled twice as many state legislatures as Republicans, 24 to 14.
Democrats haven’t had such lop-sided level of representation in legislatures since 1928.
When it comes to governors, Democrats have 16 seats compared to the 33 that Republicans have. Dems haven’t had it this bad in the governor’s mansion since 1920, when they had 14 seats.
I'm deeply ashamed that Democrats in America chose to talk about Russia and Trump for the past two years, and not the problems facing middle America.
I'd talk about this more, but William Skink over at RD says it best.
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone that shared my last post on social media, particularly Facebook.
It wasn’t much - 25 shares or likes or whatnot - but it’s a lot more than I usually get.
I don’t focus on social media anymore. I think it’s way too anti-social. We know that when you’re active on social media, you actually communicate 33% less with friends and parents and children.
It’s been nearly 5 months now since I deleted my Facebook account.
I don’t miss it, nor do I really think about it anymore. Clearly I never needed it in the first place.
I think most Americans would be better off if they either deleted their social media accounts, or reduced their time on those accounts by 90% or more.
Most in my age range agree with me. Last year we learned that 34% of millenials are deleting social media from their lives, while 34% were taking a break.
And with that, I’ll be taking a break for the rest of the day, perhaps the weekend too.