The legislature is back in session. I don’t blame you if you didn’t know they took a week off - they’ve done so little of consequence this session that it’s easy to forget they’re even ‘working.’
Steve Bullock continues to ignore Montana in favor of presidential primary states. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks his candidacy is a joke. Bob Brigham - who worked on Bohlinger’s 2014 Senate run - had this to say:
On his watch, Montana Dems lost a US Senate seat, AG, SecState, Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Clerk of the Supreme Court and badly fumbled a special congressional election.
— Bob Brigham (@BobBrigham) March 7, 2019
And he had no policy achievements.
He's not running, he has nothing to run on.#MTpol
I think he nails it. I’m sure the MT Dems will ridicule anyone that agrees with him. Talk about head-in-the-sand syndrome.
The 2020 Democratic pool of presidential candidates really is a clown car show. The National Review has an article titled just that.
The only Democrat I’d vote for if the primaries were today would be Bernie Sanders. I wouldn’t waste a vote on any of the other people running, and if they somehow get the nomination, I’ll just vote third-party.
I don’t think I’ll vote for Trump again. I’m getting tired of him. Over two years now he’s been in office and my life hasn’t changed at all. That tells me he’s not working for working Americans.
I don’t think many of the Democratic candidates will work for working Americans either.
And that’s all I have today. I’m going to continue to focus on Missoula issues over the coming weeks. I’ll also have some big news to share with you sometime next week.