Well, I guess Trump is gonna get his way and call a national emergency.
Democrats feel confident they can beat him in the courts on this one, but I’m not so sure.
You see, we’ve had presidents call 58 different national emergencies since the practice went into effect 40 years ago.
31 of those national emergencies are still in effect.
Carter called one, while Reagan and Bush didn’t declare any.
Clinton declared 6 while George W. Bush declared 11 and Obama declared 10.
Trump has called for three declarations of national emergency so far - in December 2017, September 2018 and November 2018.
Those three emergencies had to do with getting hold of the assets of human rights abusers in Myanmar; sanction on Russia for whatever they did in 2016; and one to deal with the deteriorating situation in Nicaragua.
Didn’t hear anything about those three national emergencies in the media...or the 31 that are still in effect?
Well, that wouldn’t feed into the narrative that the media wants to develop that says Trump is an idiot, the Democrats are not, and this whole mess somehow affects you.
Doesn’t affect me one iota here in Montana.
I don’t think it’s affecting you, either.
What is affecting you...things that the media might not be talking about?
This is an open post, so feel free to share your concerns.