Friday again already, eh?
I guess we could spend a few minutes talking about Bullock’s State of the State address this week.
But let’s not.
I suppose we could talk about what those legislators are doing in Helena - I’m not really sure - but again...let’s not.
Instead, here are a few things that caught my eye this week:
Starbucks’ Howard Schultz mentioned he might want to run as an Independent, saying he left the Democratic Party some time ago because they’re just moving too far to the left.
Dems pounced on Schultz, as they usually do when they feel threatened. Schultz responded that, “Well, I must be doing something right to create so much interest and backlash from the Democratic Party.”
I’ve been attacked by the Democratic Party numerous times before so know from experience that Schultz is now done with them: they’ll never accept him back.
Closer to home, the two major parties released their year-end FEC reports.
They’re large and I don’t really feel like going through them, aside to mention that the highest paid person for the Montana Democratic Party in December was Nancy Keenan, with $7,776 in pay.
The highest paid person for the Montana Republican Party was John Branham, who made $1,173 for December.
Quite a difference there, and I have to wonder why the Dems pay themselves so much when they’re not winning as much as the Republicans.
Alas, questions like that get you treated like Howard Schultz.
Altogether for 2018, the Montana Democrats raised $5.5 million to help them elect people (though mostly they just pay a dozen staffers, fly them around a bit, send them to restaurants, and pay lots of payroll taxes for them).
The Montana Republicans raised $1.5 million in 2018.
It’s not as much as the Dems, but they do have the legislature, the PSC, 5 of 6 statewide offices, and the hearts and minds of Montana citizens.
So in conclusion...
To the GOP: Good job, and keep up the good work.
To the Dems: Money doesn’t buy everything.