I wasn’t going to put up a Montana post today, but I just couldn’t help myself.
Let me start off by saying that I have a lot of respect for women. I’m married, so I think I have to.
I’d also like to say that I have a lot of respect for businessmen.
I’m saying these things because I’m sure I’ll offend both.
The reason is the photo that Steve Daines shared on Twitter today.
It shows him along with Jenny Eck, Jennifer Pomnichowski, and Andrea Olsen. All three are in the Montana Legislature, Pomnichowski in the Senate.
Alright, so what got my knickers in a knot on this one?
Well, let’s just go through the photo from left to right, ladies first.
We start off with Jenny Eck.
Some of you might remember my piece on her last December, when she took that taxpayer funded holiday to Australia.
Now, we can argue that she was working. I’d like to point out how our national debt is more than $18 trillion and we shouldn’t be sending state legislators anywhere, and that includes D.C.
My God, what was she thinking?
I’m assuming she wasn’t. After all, she coasted into office on her mother’s coattails anyway.
I’m sorry, is Dorothy Eck not Jenny Eck’s mom?
I really don’t know, to be completely honest, nor do I know much about Dorothy Eck and if she even had any coattails to ride. I’d assume being in the ’72 Constitutional Convention would at least give you some name recognition.
I don’t know anything about Eck’s current district, or if a GOPer could use her lavish vacation, romps to Washington, or anything else like that to justify defeating her on a lower-taxes/smaller government platform.
I just don’t have the answers to these questions, myself.
Let’s move on to JP Pomnichowski.
I know virtually nothing about this woman.
It’s kind of like my knowledge of the state’s recent political past – virtually nonexistent in my mind.
I think that benefits the current charlatans at the top of both Parties. Our ignorance allows them to claim that things have never been better.
Since we long ago did away with teaching younger generations about their local past, this might as well just be accepted as truth. That’s what they want.
When we get to Andrea Olsen I have to point out the yard signs.
My, her 2014 signs were blue and white and bright and wonderful. I’m assuming that’s why she beat out Chuck Erickson for that seat.
You see, when I think that it’s a lot easier than me thinking that the Party wanted her to win.
It also might keep me from thinking that Diane Sands pulled any strings or whatnot to make sure Olsen won and not Erickson.
Again, I don’t know these things, I’m just speculating. Maybe there was speculation in that Sands piece the Missoulian ran this week – I dunno, I didn’t read it.
I like Diane Sands. She’s forceful and direct and can step on toes. I still remember my mom going “gosh, I like Diane Sands.”
I rolled my eyes at that. I can’t think of a single thing the woman has done for me, to be completely honest. Again, it’s not important that younger people know about anything she may or may not have done…especially the latter.
Alright, the ladies have had their fun. Let’s get to Daines.
Steve Daines is like one of those monkeys that’s led around on a small chain.
I know you’ve seen these, often with their little hats on, sometimes even a mini-jacket.
Daines is like that monkey, holding his chain as he’s led, looking around when he’s sometimes allowed to stop.
Businessmen and large corporations hold that chain’s other end, though I think many times it’s more of a walker-boy holding not only Daines’ chain, but many congressman just like him.
Think of a dog-walker going down the street with a bunch of monkeys wearing suits.
Daines isn’t the loudest or the most aggressive, and it’s not likely he’ll throw shit at you. He’s more the one that walks quietly by the handler, doing as he’s told, as he’s expected.
You can tell that all three women are very happy to be in this photo, but Daines still has that “deer in headlights” look that he adopted at the first debate.
It’s the look a man gets when someone’s got him by the balls.
You can see the women’s hands, all but Olsen’s right. You know she can’t reach that far, however, plus there’s that gap there.
Yeah, it’s that monkey chain again. I honestly think they might have tightened it up, cinching it around the man’s scrotum.
He was getting a bit out of line there last week. Did he honestly believe he could flip-flop on the Land and Water Conservation Fund bill and not have the corporations notice?
Steve, c’mon.
He’ll know better next time, and I imagine that’s why he has that look today. This meeting was probably foisted upon him, punishment for his betrayal of the corporate interests.
We know Daines hates women, votes to keep their pay artificially low compared to a man’s. I’ve always found this ironic, as he has a couple daughters I believe.
We profiled before how Daines only wants women to make about 70% of what a man does.
I’m not sure if the ladies pressed him on that today. Probably not, as Daines’ staff probably did a good job shooing them out real quick.
After that it was back on the plane probably, though I’m not sure if you paid for that this time or the ladies did. Hey, probably the Chinese!
Alright, that’s probably enough…or is it? Why stop?
What are the consequences of speaking your mind about politicians that are paid taxpayer money?
Are there any?
I don’t think so. That’s the beauty of social media. Keeps ‘em lookin’ stupid.
Thanks for reading this post! See you later.