Boy, I’m tuckered out.
Got off work at 3, got up at 8 to get the kid to school, and now it’s almost 9 and I’m ready for a nap.
But until then, let me get a few things off my chest.
This morning, Russ Fagg was supposed to show up at the Missoula radio station, KGVO, at 9. He showed up 15 minutes late.
I don’t like that.
When I go to work, I don’t show up on time…I show up early.
I never show up late. There’s just no reason for it.
26,000 people listen to KGVO each morning. It’s a shame Russ Fagg can’t show up on time for them.
One of the three Billings police officers that had sex ‘on the job’ has resigned.
I say ‘on the job’ because the guy that quit was actually off-duty at the time. The two guys that were on duty have yet to resign.
That’s shameful.
These three men can’t be trusted. They took advantage of a vulnerable woman for their own self-interest.
Many, many – in fact, most! – Montana police officers go a whole career without getting a single disciplinary action against them.
I guess I just feel sorry for the people of Billings right now.
I was quite surprised to see Josh Manning speak out against Helena Democrat, Mary Caferro.
It happened earlier this week, and since then that site has been silent.
I guess the bigwigs on Sixth Street raised a fuss.
The whole issue for Manning is that Caferro took money from Republicans. Manning then expands the issue, pointing out how often Caferro has voted with Republicans.
Boy, Josh…I just gotta say – be careful!
I began pointing out the hypocrisy in the Montana Democratic Party four years ago. They quickly banned me from their blogs, labeled me a Republican, created fake social media accounts to mock me and my appearance, and put me on the ‘black list’ of those that could never be a Dem again.
So be careful.
Josh, while you might want to point out problems you see in the world…if those problems don’t align with the Dem Brass’s world view, then you’ll be cast-out.
Evan Barrett really got out this weekend, putting up his anti-sales-tax post on several Montana blogs, as well as the newspapers.
I’m no fan of a sales tax, but I’m also not a fan of hypocrisy.
In Barrett’s post, he points out that the GOP is trying to get a sales tax right now.
But what I had a problem with is the fact that he ignored the Democratic support for a sales tax during the 1993 election.
We’re talking about Dorothy Bradley.
Evan had to bow-out of that argument, saying that I had “an incomplete view” but that he “must take leave for now.”
So far that leave has lasted 3 days.
I hope he managed to get up to the Historical Society to look at the old newspaper clippings to see that, yes, both Dems and Republicans supported a sales tax during the 1993 election.
I’d love to hear his response, though since he’s a die-hard Democrat, I’m not expecting one (or if one does come, I expect it’ll be full of scorn and derision).
A 17-year-old high school student here in Missoula was suspended for wearing a Confederate flag sweatshirt to school “every day since last week.”
I hear stories like this and I let out a big sigh, then begin shaking my head.
Where are the parents?
I’d never let my kid wear something like that for even one day, let alone a week.
But I suppose the parents probably supported it. After all, we get most of our political views from them.
Mostly, as a 36-year-old, I – and I feel everyone else my age and younger – just knows that the Confederate flag is synonymous with anti-black sentiment.
Putting it more bluntly, it means you like the idea of a slave-owning South.
Beating blacks…raping ‘em…and killing ‘em – that’s what that flag stands for.
It stands for lazy, entitled white men that thought getting others to do their work for them was better than doing it themselves.
Many of those white men actually called themselves Christians.
But at the same time they went out into those fields and whipped their ‘workers’ bloody for ‘not working hard enough.’
After that they went back onto their porches and drank their alcohol and belittled their wives.
The South takes pride in this era, and they fly their flag high so the rest of it know it.
I’m ashamed young folks in Montana are thinking like this too.