It’s called Logicosity and it started on December 1.
The blog is anonymous, which I don’t like. It’s written by two writers – Logic Rules and Edward R. Burrow.
So far they have 25 posts. To me, it seems like they’re writing from the Capitol, perhaps the first or second floor.
They reference the second floor a lot to refer to the Governor’s Office and also the general area of power of Montana politics in Helena.
They sure talk about Eric Feaver a lot.
Most know my opinions of that scalawag so there’s no reason to get into them again.
I get the feeling that this is a Democrat writing this, one that’s extremely frustrated and pissed off by the way things have been going for the past few years.
I read most of the posts from the most recent to the oldest. I liked the talk about Jim Elliot being forced out as Party Chair and I hope we see more on that.
The talk about Tester not being as effective at bringing home money, or fundraising dollars, compared to Baucus is also interesting.
Remember, many of us don’t know this stuff. I like to think of myself as young but I’m in my mid-30s.
If I have a hard time following this then you know others do as well.
Maybe that’s the idea.
One idea I had was that this blog is coming from Tim Fox’s office.
I’m sure Fox is doing some clandestine social media, blog commenting, or other such to get his viewpoints across…even (and perhaps especially) when they conflict with the governor’s.
The blog Logicosity really has a lot on the Bullock-McLean dispute. I like the Clay Christian comments and analysis.
Bottom line – the corruption in Montana runs deep.
I’m working on a table that shows the power structure of Montana Democrats, both elected officials and party officials.
When you identify the players it’s easier to move.
There are lots of players in the Montana Democratic Party, just as there are in the national party.
Currently we see Hillary Clinton putting her attack dogs against Bernie Sanders, denying him the Voter Access Network (the VAN) a database of voter information that helps you save time and money.
Here in Montana Democrats are thinking to restrict that as well, as we saw with the puppet appointment to the Missoula County Commission in July.
I wonder if the VAN will be denied to me should I decide to run for the legislature.
The fact that I’m even wondering that should give you pause.
I know we have a lot of talk that the Democratic Party is inclusive and accepting and that we don’t turn people away.
That’s just not true, however.
If you talk about Wall Street corruption, the loss of our manufacturing jobs, money in politics, or our stagnant wages you’ll be labeled a traitor.
Talking about those things does not bring in political donations.
It’s true that discussing those things could help hardworking people, but since that doesn’t benefit those at the top of the Democratic Party it’s not done.
There was good analysis of Eric Feaver throwing his support behind Marc Racicot in 1996 instead of Chet Blaylock.
I wasn’t aware of that. I’m glad I am now, however. Once again I think I should begin writing my 6th volume of Montana history.
I think Eric Feaver and MEA-MFT are one of the reasons people don’t care much about Democrats anymore.
No one cares about that union.
No one cares about state workers!
Yeah, they’re in there too, but we don’t hear much about them because they’re not teachers.
Teachers are about all the Democrats in Montana have anymore. Logicosity seems to think they have Butte still, and that’s great – they can have it.
What the hell good does Butte do us? Sure as shit don’t win the state, I can tell you that.
I guess one of the big problems is that we live in the past here, thinking that conditions from 30 years ago still exist.
One thing that Logicosity did say was that it’d be a bad year for Montana Democrats in 2016.
I’ll agree with that – there’s no plan to take the legislature and Bullock can’t even outline what he’s accomplished in 4 years.
All he’s really done is managed to hold the line.
We know that 2016 will be an anti-incumbent, anti-establishment, and just about anti- everything else kind of year.
For Democrats, this is not good.
I’ve already said how I’ll be voting for a third-party candidate for governor, and that’s when I’d be running as a Democrat for the legislature!
Nationally, it’ll probably be Bernie or Trump getting my vote, or a third-party.
People are sick! We’re sick of this shit!
We’re sick of this waking up each day and heading to the grind, then looking at ourselves in the mirror 30 years later, realizing we’ve gotten nowhere.
We’re sick of it!
We’re sick of seeing this country go to hell while each election cycle we’re given the same useless reassurance that this time we’ll fix it, this time things will be different.
They won’t, damn it – they’ll never be different.
They’ll never be different until we stand up and shout and demand that, yes, this time they will be different, and that’s because you, sir, will no longer be a part of the process.
That’s what an anti- year means.
My God, I can’t wait for it to start.