So…what’s happened since then?
It’s been more than a year and we know that Montana has had 24 reported sightings since then.
That doesn't include that image from Trout Creek you see above, which you can read about here.
You can find information on the National UFO Reporting Center’s Montana Page for most UFO sightings.
This is what it tells us.
2016 Montana UFO Sightings
On July 26 in Poplar there were “extremely bright super fast flashing lights up in the atmosphere performing sharp degree turns” for around 20 minutes.
On July 24 an “object hovered in” the “same area of” the “sky for over 3 hours” in Butte.
On July 22 in Billings there was “an oval shaped craft doing circles for about two minutes.” Later there was “a string of lights outside” the person’s house.
For 2 minutes on July 21 in Missoula there were “three lights” in the sky “moving away from one another from a single point.”
On July 3 in Missoula there was a “blue fireball” for 2 seconds that “lit up” a cloud “then fell below the cloud” towards the southeast. It was “very visible and bright” with a “long tail.”
On July 3 “there was a bright flash of light” for 2 seconds in Alberton.
For 5 minutes on June 28 in Corvallis there were “seven pulsating red lights unlike any regular aircraft moving at low altitude, very slowly” headed north by northeast a half hour past midnight.
On June 24 in Montana City there was a “silver/translucent spiral-ribbed object over the Elkhorns” for two hours.
On June 23 in Billings there was a “Yellowish/orange light observed by two people following a jet airplane.” They saw it for about a minute.
On June 13 near Creston there was an “unusual object above the Swan Mountains” for about an hour.
On June 3, about 7 miles west of Poplar, a person was awoken by a “red light” measuring approximately 9 feet around inside their room for 15 seconds. It was the third such time that had happened.
On May 29 in Missoula “a bright, amber-white colored object moved across the sky for 3 minutes in an undulating motion.”
On May 22 there was a 30-second flash of “orange and yellow” light that looked like fire around Bozeman.
On April 12 there was a “bright light” moving slowly to the northeast “without a sound” around Hamilton for less than 30 seconds.
On April 4 there was a triangular craft around Florence with “flashing lights and one spotlight” and it appeared to be watching the Bitterroot Mountains for about 2 minutes.
On April 1 there were two lights off in the distance for about 2 minutes around Billings.
On April 1 around Kalispell there were “5 orange, sphere orbs flying South to East through the night sky” for about 10 minutes.
On February 28 between Pray and Livingston there was a “40 foot long Cigar shaped object with 2 beaming lights transitioning from white to green” that were very bright and it was “moving in an unidentified motion” for about a minute.
On February 26 there was a disc of “sky bright lights, white, green and red flashing with no movement” for about 20 minutes over White Sulphur Springs.
On February 25 there were “lights surrounding an airplane” for about 2 minutes around Hamilton, with a “helicopter in pursuit.”
On February 9 there was a “white or silver eye shaped craft” above White Sulphur Springs for 2 minutes.
On February 8 there was a “star-like appearance with amber light” that moved “forward and back for half an hour” over Missoula.
On January 29 there was a report of a Montana cow being abducted by a UFO, though there are few details to make the report seem credible.
On January 2 there was a “bright neon green fireball with a tail like a comet streak” going north “through the sky toward the Billings Logan International Airport” for about 3 seconds.
2015 Montana UFO Sightings
On November 29 there was an “odd disc shaped object in a cloud formation” in Billings.
On November 24 in Kalispell there was “1 green light flying horizontally across the sky, then going towards the ground” at a 45-degree angle for about 2 seconds. The same thing was spotted to the north of Polson at the same time, 9:20 PM.
On November 23 in Belgrade there was a “bright round light in the sky” that had “a fire tail” and zoomed off before disappearing.
On November 20 there were “several lights traveling southwest to northwest” for more than an hour around Billings.
On November 18 there were “three flashes of green light” that “lit up the entire sky” after a power outage around Great Falls.
On November 18 there was an “unknown craft with white light in front and” a “slow pulsating deep red light” in the rear that was around Lolo for 25 minutes.
On November 14 there were “several orange balls” that “looked like flames” for 15 minutes in Missoula a little before 10 PM. They “came up out of Pattee Canyon and at least 1 came from the University of Montana.”
On November 11 in Great Falls there was a “silent triangular object heading east to west before turning smoothly south and going out of sight.” It lasted 20 seconds and the object was “massive in size” with “faint orange” lights.
On November 9 in Kalispell there was a “bright light over sky” for 15 minutes.
On November 4 in Clancy there were 2 UFOs captured on camera, and this might be the ones that the New York Daily News profiled.
On October 8…well, you get the idea.
I’ll skip the reports from October 2015 to December 31, 2014, which is where I left off on my first Montana UFO post.
You can learn a lot more in my book Paranormal Montana.
It explores lots of strange things in our state’s history, UFO’s being a small part.
Until then, keep looking up.
You never know what you’ll see under the Big Sky.