I love Montana Post!
Quick note:
Called up Montana Dems again at 3 PM today.
No one in the office.
Left another message for Sandi ($200 a day in salary) as well as Nick (another $200).
I guess they’re busy.
Doing what?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Update 3:45 PM:
Nick Lockridge called me back. I asked him why the Dems were losing. He got offended. He told me I didn't want to have an honest conversation, and hung up on me.
Your Montana Democrats.
Anyways...Montana Post.
I went to their most recent post and tried to leave a comment.
Alas, I’m still blocked. It’s been 5 years.
Do you want to know why I’m blocked?
Don is afraid of what I might say.
He’s afraid of my influence, and my ability to change people’s minds.
That’s the last thing Democrats want.
Stay in your bubble!!!
I am so thankful we have sites like the Montana Post.
How else would Democrats gain their false self-confidence.
Remember, they think they’re winning.
And don’t you for one fucking second make them think they’re not!
Let them stay in their bubble, their little pow-wows on social media, their occasional rallies in the park.
Nothing ever comes of it - look at the vote.
I think of a parent caring for a child with a mental illness.
You want make-believe; you want them to think things are rosey; you want the best for them.
And that means lying to them.
What a way to live.
Switching gears a bit…
I visited the ol’ Google Analytics today. This gives you an idea of who’s visiting your site, where in the world they’re from, and which pages exactly they look at (over 3,000 on this site).
And boy, I’ve got to tell you...these numbers are pathetic.
Let me reframe that - they’re bad.
Oh, hell - lets’ face it...no one gives a fuck!
This week 1,400 people visited this site.
18% went to the Montana blog. The rest was Google searches for Montana celebrities, history, UFOs, and a lot of other stuff I’ve written over the years that’s gained traction in the search results.
Around 300 people give enough of a fuck to read my political ramblings.
That’s disappointing, but not unexpected.
Big Sky Words is the best political blog in Montana, has been for years, and will continue to be.
Let’s keep that our little secret.