Besides that we have March Madness, a drain on productivity if there ever was one.
I guess it boosts office morale, however, so there’s that.
Sometimes I wonder what the office morale in the Capitol is.
I bet it’s bad.
No, I’m not talking about the brass’s offices, those political hacks that come and go – I’m talking about the real workers.
These are the civil servants, those people putting in their 25 or 30 years, hopin’ to hell they get to retirement without having to put up with a lot of bullshit.
Working in the Capitol, that’s kinda hard.
It can’t possibly be any easier with incompetent Steve Bullock firmly ensconced on the 2nd Floor.
I’m still shaking my head at his cowardice on Tuesday night.
More than 50 people in line – supporters, nonetheless! – the kind that are ready to donate to your campaign and had paid $50, at least, to see a concert you helped put on.
But instead of going over and saying hi, shaking a few hands, hell, even just walkin' by, what does he do?
Heads to the back entrance like a schmuck.
There’s only so many times you can call someone a loser before you just have to shake your head at them.
God, I wish I would have went to Bullock’s 9 AM fundraiser at Benny’s Bistro…
Actually, that’s this Sunday.
Yeah, Bullock will be doing some kind of fundraiser in Missoula from 9 to 10 in the morning.
(Why am I still on his fundraising mailing list is beyond me.)
Suggested donations are of course $50.
What do you think would happen if I went there and asked Bullock about any of the following topics?
- Why did you fire McLean?
- Do you have problems working with women?
- Why did you put your lead advisor’s girlfriend in your communications office?
- Why did you move your lead advisor to MainStreets Montana, a program that hasn’t had the dust knocked off it since 2014?
- Why did you pretend Jeff Bridges was playing a one-time concert for you on Tuesday when he’d played the dark money fundraiser you put on in Big Sky the weekend before?
I probably wouldn’t be able to ask those questions, however.
I suspect one of Bullock’s goons would usher me out of that place real quick, perhaps using the pretense that I didn’t give my $50 suggested donation.
Oh well – if the media doesn’t want to ask the tough questions, why should I?
Maybe the media will ask the tough questions of Gianforte.
Hey, what the hell is Gianforte up to now that the Regulation Roundup is over?
Not much.
His Facebook page has gotten a bit slow and his main website hasn’t had a post in 8 days.
- He’s flagging.
- He’s losing momentum.
- He’s beginning to collect moss.
Now’s the time to hit him and hit him hard. All of the material we’ve built up on his business, his workers, his money, his habits…all of that needs to come out now.
- We’ll get him on a variety of blogs, drowning out the search results for his site and anything else that comes up when his name is typed into Google.
- We’ll use our contacts in the media to run the anti-Gianforte truth stories, hard and in all markets in a sustained and grueling fashion that will leave the man used and spent.
- We’ll start the early TV ads, hitting hard on the same message over and over, but with slight variations so viewers don’t switch the channel or hit mute.
Questions for Gianforte might include:
- How do you feel about wind and solar?
- If Washington State closes Colstrip, what would you do?
- What’s your stance on medical marijuana?
- How do you feel about Right to Work?
- If state control of public lands was viable in D.C., would you support it?
- What’s your plan to un-crowd our jails?
- The roads in Missoula are terrible…any ideas?
- How will telecommuting work for the majority of rural Montanans?
Those are just a few questions that come to mind right now.
We’ll do all of those things, by God, and we’ll start doing them now!
Or…maybe not.
Remember, I’m not running anything besides my own small campaign for the Montana Legislature, and I’m not even getting any support from the Party on that.
If the Party doesn't have any real, viable plan to even take one chamber of the legislature, what makes you think they’d have anything I just listed?
There’s no material we’ve built up, no variety of blogs to put it on, and certainly no contacts in the media that are going to run the stories we want in a way we want and on a schedule we want, damn it!
We’re talking about the Montana Democratic Party here…the 'dims!'
There hasn’t been a bright light on upstairs there in some time, quite some time.
If you doubt me, please head on over to Logicosity and read their excellent post on MDLCC today.
I made a mistake when I mentioned Lauren Caldwell in the comments. She’s now heading up Juneau’s election efforts.
Wow, good luck with that. Juneau has no plan to win that I can see…or was there one?
Remember, Denise Juneau is no Carol Juneau.
And please, don't give me any of this anti-Juneau bullshit. I'll vote for her in June and since she has no opposition there I'll vote for her in November too.
Did you think I was gonna vote for Zinke?
Now, getting back to MDLCC, that setup is now run by Amanda Frickle.
I went ahead and sent her an email today wondering why I wasn’t on the Democratic candidates email list this year.
I’ve yet to receive a response, and frankly, I don’t think I will.
Remember, Montana Democrats are a party just like Montana Republicans. If they have a single doubt about you, you will be purged.
I’ve been purged.
Despite that, I really hit 'em where it hurts last week, so much so that MT Cowturd actually blocked me on Twitter.
Think about that – an anonymous attack site that continuously hammers at Montana Republicans can’t take it when a member of its own party hammers at it.
What a joke.
There is absolutely no reason to be concerned with that site anymore, or who writes it.
They’ve shown the level of strength they have, none.
Is it any surprise that the Montana Democratic Party has none either? For years, that has been their leader – an anonymous tits and ass cowboy hat attack site.
Do you honestly still think a woman runs that? Please.
I received an anonymous letter in the mail last week from someone in Missoula.
They told me that someone in the Capitol is “kicking you all over the place in Helena your hometown.”
More than that, this someone is telling people I’m “anti-semitic – do not like Jews etc.”
After that I’m told that the person making these claims “is a putz and he knows it is his time coming.”
I won’t say who this person in the Capitol is, but maybe you can guess.
Oh well, what did I think was gonna happen when I decided to do the right thing and point out the damage our current “leaders” are doing to us, and to the state?
These people don’t care about Montana, they certainly don’t care about you or your family.
Sadly, we know Gianforte doesn’t either.
No one does, really. No one on the Montana political stage today cares much of anything about you.
That’s sad.
What can be done?
Not much. Even voting third party or not voting doesn’t really send a message, at least not one these bozos can understand.
Remember, our low turnout environments often ensure these people will keep their jobs. I know it’s that way here in Missoula.
I’m not that frustrated or angry about this, however.
I know that things will change, for that’s all they ever do.
These people will be gone one day. The state will begin to heal. The truth will come out.
It’ll be a good day, one where the sun is shining.
It’s coming.