In China they call it the “Tang-Ping” movement, or lying flat.
That’s what all the young people there are doing, and the old authoritirans don’t like it.
Yeah, no duh...if the young people aren’t working full-tilt, who’s going to ensure your golden years?
The young aren’t really concerned about that, however, and the authorities don’t know what to do.
“The idea behind "tang ping" - not overworking, being content with more attainable achievements and allowing time to unwind - has been praised by many and inspired numerous memes. It has been described as a spiritual movement.
"You're beaten up by society and just want a more relaxed life... 'lying flat' is not waiting to die. I still work, but just don't overstretch," the 24-year-old said.”
We see the same story in America today. That’s why nearly 50% of businesses can’t find enough workers. It’s why the jobs report on Friday was shit, second month in a row.
There’s this idea that young people will work if they have to, but in reality, they’ll only work as much as they have to.
Why bust your balls for 40 hours a week or more for some employer that doesn’t really give a shit about you?
So you can buy some more shiny, plastic shit from China?
That makes you feel good for an hour or two before leaving you feeling the way you typically do - empty inside.
A lot of these young Chinese figured out what I did years ago - materialism sucks.
So I don’t buy into it. That means I don’t have to buy a lot of stupid shit I don’t need. And that in turn means I don’t need to work endless hours in the pursuit of money to buy that shit.
Some call this the rat race, or keeping up with the Joneses. And God, how it makes us miserable.
China’s in a bind because the country is full of old people, and not enough young people to keep the wheels on the bus when they all kick the bucket.
That’s mainly a problem for the old people in charge, not the young doing their bidding. And the young know this, and they’ve stopped playing ball.
The same thing is happening here in America.
There’s been a major cultural and attitudinal shift, brought on by the lockdowns.
Why work so much? Why commute so long? Why do something everyday that you hate...and for what?
So you can buy more shiny, plastic shit?
More and more people are waking up that this is no way to live. The corporations don’t know what to do about this, much like the old authoritarians in China. They’ve been focused on the bottom line so long they forgot what humans are.
But we haven’t. More and more, we’ve decided to stop being cogs in the machine and to start living more.
It’s about time.