I see James Nelson has a guest post on Flathead Memo.
I never read what this man has to say. I just don’t care. I’m not interested in a retired judge’s opinion.
I suppose he has a house, a pension...not a lot of problems.
He’s so high above us, it’s not even funny. And then he leaves his high castle in the clouds to lecture us.
I’m so tired of the elite telling us what to think, what to do. But they’ll never stop. They think we need them.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Woke is Broke
I love Lori Lightfoot in Chicago.
She hates white people. She won’t allow interviews with white people.
I don’t think the GOP has been given a gift like this in a long time.
Of course, Lori has a severe mental health disorder. Being gay is just a part of it, but her hate goes way beyond that.
Somewhere in life, she got heavily damaged. Now she’s lashing-out.
I’m amazed she ever got elected, but then...this is Chicago, a self-created hell-hole. That whole state is a mess, and should be a clear warning of what happens when Democrats get control of all branches of government for decades.
They ruin everything.
Remember when Lori had to get her hair done at the height of the pandemic, even though all the rest of us could not?
Yep, entitlement.
People like Lori are better than us, and they want you to know that.
Just Sick
I caught a little bit of Saturday Night Live last night while at work. They were celebrating Gay Pride Week, and boy...did they let you know.
The satanist, Lil Nas X, was the musical guest. He had a cohort of male strippers come out and grab their crotches with him while dancing.
It’s their season finale, the end of their 46th season.
My, has this show fallen far.
Last year I think they had a mentally depressed cast member - one who tried to kill himself - make fun of a war veteran with an eyepatch.
These people.
I don’t watch ‘em, and when their show is finally cancelled, I won’t even notice, least of all care.
When to Sell it All?
Cash is becoming more and more worthless by the day.
For over a century now, the Federal Reserve has been meddling in our economy. As a result, the US Dollar has lost 97% of its value since 1913.
Today’s dollar would be worth 3 cents back then.
Hence the bubbles.
Housing, commodities, cryptocurrencies, you name it - people are looking for any kind of safe haven to put their dollars, hoping to ride out the storm, hoping they’ll have something of value when it’s all said and done.
They’re smart...but when does smart become stupid?
When do you sell it all?
The problem is...what the hell do you do with the money when you do sell?
Because whether you’re in stocks, cryptos, housing or commodities...what’s the alternative?
It’s the US Dollar.
So really, people have nowhere to turn, nowhere to run. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t...a real Catch-22 situation.
“Perhaps even more important is the second part of the bet – selling the dollar.
Why would you? The US is home to World’s largest, successful, valuable and most innovative companies. The dollar is the defacto global medium of exchange. The US president is widely acknowledged to be the most powerful man on the planet. Yet… there is something of a shadow upon the land…
As events unfold over the next 2 years into the mid-term elections, and the next full presidential cycle, the degree to which US politics is terminally broke will become increasingly apparent. Words like Gridlock, partisan, and polarisation dominate the news flow. While the rest of the globe gets on with rebuilding their economies, Biden has a short-window, and tiny majority in the House to push through his plans. He may become as irrelevant as Obama after the next vote.”
I thought many would wait until we got closer to the August Fed retreat in Jackson Hole, but it appears many are taking their earnings now.
They must have a really big mattress, because I don’t know where else you can put your money right now.
What do they know that we don’t?
And should you buy the dip?
Personally, I’m not putting another penny into the stock market. But what about cryptos?
Boy, the price sure dropped on those this week, mainly as various governments (particularly China) said they would crack down on these non-fiat currencies.
This is exactly what makes them so valuable - the fact that governments don’t like them.
And it’s pretty clear why - governments just print and print and print, and with each run of the press, their currency becomes less and less valuable.
I lost $2,000 in the crypto markets this past week.
Bitcoin is now down to $32,000 today, from it’s high of over $50,000.
I first bought-in when it was at $41,000. I think we have a steal of a deal right now - I put another $500 into it this morning.
Yeah, the currency lost $20,000 in value over the past week.
The US Dollar lost 97% of its value over the past century.
The US government wants you to buy and hold their dollars; they don’t want you to buy crypto.
Intelligent individuals are doing the exact opposite.