I’m not a Republican either…although I’ve voted for a couple of ‘em this past cycle.
Independent might be a better way to describe me.
‘Just sick of it all’ would be right on.
And that’s why I come to this site each day, or near enough – to write about what I’m sick of.
Not many people read it – perhaps a hundred or two on each article, sometimes more, oftentimes less.
But I like to do it. I like that many people get angry over this.
Me, a 3-job-holding, poverty-ridden guy living in a small apartment in Missoula.
They hate what I say, whether ‘they’ are the Democrats or the Republicans.
Why do they hate it?
I think because I get at the truth, or at least in such a way that they don’t like.
And I have no qualms about pointing out fuck-ups, corruption, or just plain ol’ stupidity.
Used to be the traditional media would do that, but the internet destroyed them long ago.
Some of you might have noticed how far the Montana newspapers website rankings had fallen over the past year when I checked their stats on Friday.
Yes, nothing but a large bottle of sad sauce there.
No, you can’t count on the traditional media to do much more than give you window dressing mixed with bullshit.
So you come to this site.
You’re a minority in the state
Most people see me coming and they get the fuck out of the way.
They know I’ll look at them long and hard and report on what I see.
They call it trolling. I call it accountability.
Let’s get started for today.
How Max Fucked Us
Max Baucus really fucked Montana over, and the whole country for that matter.
He’s a true Montana villain.
In case you think I’m full of shit, just read about the problems in Mineral County, one of the poorest counties in the state.
People there don’t have health insurance – they can’t afford it!
They sure as shit can’t afford the doctor or the hospital, but that’s where they go when they have a problem.
Now the hospitals in Mineral County say they can’t help them, at least if Obamacare is repealed.
Once again, we’d never have had to have these Obamacare debates if Max would have just given us single payer.
Although 60% of Americans supported single payer, Max "held two hearings so far and has refused to allow advocates for the most popular reform — a single payer national health policy — to even testify," it was reported in May 2009.
Max later admited that he'd fucked up, although this was after he’d done the bidding of the insurance companies that bribed him for decades.
Max "admitted to The New York Times last month that it may have been a mistake to rule out single-payer health care, if only because having it on the table would make the president's public insurance option seem moderate by comparison."
Max Baucus - what a stupid fuck.
If he would have given us single payer we’d not have seen the terrible backlash against Dems in 2010.
We wouldn’t see Trump in the White House.
But Max had to protect the cronies that bribed him for decades.
I can't wait until I run into that stupid fuck so I can look him right in the eye and give him a piece of my mind.
We know the idiot can't talk for shit so I'm sure he'll be mumbling all over himself as I lay into him.
What a loser that man is.
Max Baucus, a true Montana villain.
The Denial
Here’s an image of what it looked like:
So those wanting the top job at the DNC are saying that Hillary lost because she focused too much on Trump.
No shit – many of us saw that coming long before voting took place.
What’s sad about this article is that the headline mentions that Democrats have “overconfidence that they’ll easily win again in 2020.”
Yes, denial.
Democrats are in denial that they lost.
I for one love it when they say that Hillary won the popular vote.
Good for her.
Perhaps if a Democrat is ever elected president again they’ll get rid of the electoral college system.
Obama could have done it during his 8 years. I’m sure Al Gore would have smiled brightly to see him tackle that.
But he didn’t.
Terrible Messaging
I mentioned some of this on Intelligent Discontent yesterday.
Don Pogreba had yet another Zinke post up, as if those do anything besides help Zinke.
How many anti-Zinke posts do you think that site had during the election cycle?
I’d say at least 20, yet as I said on Don’s post yesterday, Zinke won by overwhelming margins and then got tapped for Trump’s cabinet.
Despite that, we continue to see that site go after Zinke…as if this is somehow going to make Montanans’ lives better, or even win Democrats that seat back at a future date.
It’s not.
But don’t try to point this out.
That site, like many Democratic sites, will ignore your arguments in favor of personal attacks.
Yesterday Don brought up my book Black Walnut a few times in an effort to discredit me and make me look stupid.
Then we had an anonymous commenter come along and bring up my book SEO & 80s Movies.
I have no problem with those two doing that, I just fail to see how it’s going to help Democrats win.
That wasn’t really the idea, however. The idea was to hit at me for what I’d said about Don’s ineffectiveness and the greater level of Democratic ineffectiveness.
By pointing out two of my shitty books – just 15 and 8 sales on those two, respectively – the attention will be taken away from what I’m saying about Democrats and put squarely on me.
I didn’t bite.
I have no problem with people talking about me or my books or my ideas or my income or any of it.
I have no problem with them saying they wouldn't waste the time to piss on me if I was on fire, either.
Because, by God, we know with that kind of messaging the Dems will win next time, we just know it.
Hell, when it comes to the books I talk about all that on my site now. There are no secrets here.
What’s sad is that Don Pogreba and the Montana Democratic establishment actually think that their tactics and strategies work, even today, 3 months after the election with Trump in office and Congress and our legislature firmly held by the GOP.
Yes, they still think that their ideas are working.
It’s sad.
And it’s not just Don over at ID.
Moe Bullshit
Anyways, I’m glad she’s no longer representing Montana.
For one thing, she’s talking about silly things that no one but a small minority of Democrats care about.
Refugees that didn’t make it to America?
Most Montanans could give a fuck about that.
We need jobs, and we need higher wages for the jobs we have.
I saw yesterday that yuppie-ville Whitefish is scrapping plans to build affordable housing for its workers.
That’d be a great thing for our two Dem sites to talk about – the lack of housing for our poverty-level workers.
Hell, let’s just talk about our terrible job situation!
Let’s talk about anything besides gays and guns and abortion and refugees!
But for some reason we won’t.
That’s not your fault. You don’t decide what we talk about – you just show up to those sites, and other MT sites like them, and read what they have.
Then you comment on those posts, sticking to the topic and rarely straying into areas that might actually interest a majority of Montanans.
What matters to the majority of Montanans?
Jobs, and good pay for those jobs. Hell, a few benefits would be nice too, but let’s not get greedy.
Just making more than $10 an hour would be awesome!
Sadly, you’ll have a helluva time finding a job like that.
And let’s not even get into training and apprenticeships. What, Bullock wants to create 1,000 of them?
Thanks, but no thanks. That’s a drop in the bucket and will affect about 1% to 2% of workers, if even that.
I wish people would think big, but I suppose we’ve hamstrung ourselves in that department.
Maybe we’ll hear some big talk from our special election candidates soon, if our corrupt Congress ever gets around to confirming Zinke.
I doubt it, though.
Guns and gays, abortion and refugees: those are the important issues for Democrats in Montana.
My God that Party is stupid.
Final Thoughts
I cannot begin to tell you how easy it was for me to write those words.
They just roll off the fingers, usually at a rate of 100 words per minute or more.
Anyways, this is usually the part of the morning where I go to the other Montana sites to see what they have.
After that I go to Twitter and see what’s being said there.
Of course the big news from the weekend was the straw poll of Democratic delegates to the special nominating convention.
Quist took 37 votes and Curtis got 30 while McCarthy got 13.
At this point, I don’t feel the urge to vote for any of ‘em.
We know that Curtis will lose this race just as she lost in 2014. She’s a urban Democrat that knows little about what rural areas care about and she has tons of old Youtube videos that GOP PACs will tear her apart with.
If Curtis is the candidate, I want to tell you that I’ll reluctantly vote for her…but the more I think about it, the more I don’t want to vote for her.
I fail to see how Curtis is going to change my life, let alone benefit it.
We know that McCarthy will lose this race should he get the nod. I won’t be voting for a defense contractor, even if that’s no longer his job.
That’s the wrong path for this country – defense contracts. All we do is build things to kill people. I can’t support that or people that profited from it.
I fail to see how McCarthy is going to benefit poverty-ridden people like me.
We know that Quist will lose this race, and the reason is simple – he’s a Democrat.
Sure, he might have some supposed pull in rural areas, and he might even appeal more to independents and swing voters.
But he’ll still lose.
Perhaps the race will be closer, more like a 51% to 49% race or something, but he’ll still lose.
When it comes to Rob Quist, there’s nothing for people my age to get excited about.
The guy’s 6 years older than my parents.
Everything that everyone is saying about him is accurate.
- You don’t start a new career when you’re 69-years-old
- National ain’t gonna fund him
- The teacher’s union will oppose him, silently of course
- He has no political experience
If Quist is the candidate, I’ll go through the motions and vote for him...probably.
I won’t be excited about doing so – why should I be?
Rob Quist ain’t gonna change my life, same as whoever else wins this seat.
What happens in D.C. has no effect on me.
I don’t really care about this special election anymore.
Democrats don’t have a chance in it – just look at their results in House races going back two decades.
My biggest hope is that Dems lose this race.
Perhaps then, at least in Montana, they’ll begin to stop feeling sorry for themselves and truly look at why no one gives a shit about them or their ideas.
I’m not holding my breath, though.