Some will like it, many won’t.
Let’s get started.
Montana is a great place to move to if you like fucking your daughter.
One story that’s getting some headlines is the incest story and the judge that doesn’t give a damn.
That judge is John McKeon, and Flathead Memo has some good analysis of his past.
For instance, did you know McKeon was the one to ruin Greg Barkus’ career?
I had no idea, mainly because I have no idea who Barkus is.
Note: Politicians, please realize how easily you can be forgotten.
Perhaps Barkus is chuckling to himself now, however, as it’s McKeon’s career that is ruined.
He has no one to blame but himself for that.
The Washington Post discusses the story in an article called Two fathers raped their daughters. One got 60 days in jail. The other got 1,503 years in prison.
In the article we’re once again reminded that “a Montana man who repeatedly raped his 12-year-old daughter was sentenced to 60 days in jail.”
Contrast that with a California incestuous raper that got 1,503 years for the same thing.
McKeon of course based his decision on letters from the incestuous raper’s mother and grandmother.
They don’t want the incestuous raper sent to prison. The reason is because the incestuous raper “has two sons who love and need him.”
Well, how much does his daughter need him…and does anyone care about his daughter?
“Nobody spoke” on her behalf to the judge, we’re told. I have a feeling this family views that daughter as a problem. The level of verbal abuse she must be receiving…I cannot imagine.
Prosecutors had wanted 25 years for this incestuous raper, but instead Judge McKeon went with a psychosexual evaluation’s recommendation that the incestuous raper not go to jail.
The incestuous raper “is remorseful,” however, so I guess this played into McKeon’s decision to give a slap on the wrist.
Let’s not forget that the prosecutor’s didn’t really raise a fuss over this.
Dylan Jensen is the prosecutor. I think it’s a good idea he doesn’t have a political career in the state.
I’m also pleased that 100,000 people have signed a petition to get rid of McKeon.
McKeon sent no-future-Barkus to jail for a boat wreck but he won’t send a man to prison for raping his 12-year-old.
Sadly, McKeon is retiring in November.
Yet another Montana loser gone out to pasture. Let’s hope he stays there and we never have to hear his disgraced name in the news again except when he dies.
That still doesn’t change the fact that Montana is a great place to move if you like fucking your daughter.
Foaming Dem Mouthpieces
I’ll of course be voting to keep trapping in Montana.
Have you heard the radio ads? Seems pretty clear to me that ranchers need traps to protect their herds.
Another one I hear is that we need traps to keep animals away from schools.
Of course, to Cowturd trapping is evil and it has to go.
Montana Democrats usually try to destroy jobs they don’t like, such as mining and logging and trapping.
I just don’t think the Dem arguments work, not in Montana.
Remember, most of the writers for Cowturd aren’t even from Montana!
A lot of the time they’re rich East Coast transplants that live off of daddy’s money.
I just think a lot of people view hunting and trapping as similar activities.
For instance, Cowturd tries to paint Gianforte – one of the biggest funders to keep trapping – as a bad dad because he lets his daughter set out a trap.
“What kid wouldn’t love coming a cross [sic] an animal desperately trying to chew its own leg off to escape a trap it’s been caught in for three days?” the anonymous writer of the Cowturd article asks.
How is this different from hunting?
When we hunt we go out and kill animals. I guess since we kill them from a couple hundred feet off, it’s alright.
Bashing in the head of an animal you trapped, however, is not alright.
After that Cowturd links trapping to Taylor Rose. Cowturd really hates Taylor Rose because he’s doing such a better job than Zac Perry for HD 3.
I’ll ask once again…what has Zac Perry ever done?
I can’t think of one thing.
After that we’re told that out-of-state money is funding trapping…even though we were previously told that Gianforte is the largest donor to the cause.
We’re also reminded of the “shoddy reporting in the Lee Newspapers” when it comes to trapping.
Really, anything that’s not putting Democrats on a pedestal – or the issues they foam at the mouth about – is considered “shoddy reporting.”
When it’s all said and done we see that Cowturd has put up 750 words today on how bad trapping is.
Like most issues the anonymous site writes about, however, it won’t matter.
Trapping will stay, just like most of the Dem candidates Cowturd supports will lose.
Really, it’s an anonymous attack site. We don’t know who’s writing it, we don’t know who’s funding it.
For Montana Democrats that’s not an issue, however.
Oh well, maybe by trying the same thing in 2018 they’ll get different results.
Crazy, I know.
Our second foaming mouthpiece blog is of course Intelligent Discontent.
My how Pogreba is incensed that the newspapers didn’t mention his blog.
Pogreba first gets his knickers in a knot over Lee Enterprises and their report that doesn’t contain a single Democrat talking-head.
You know who I’m talking about – the young pups from out-of-state that Bullock and Keenan brought in to tell them what to do.
Because no talking heads were brought in to give a quote, “the entire framework of the story is absurd.”
Pogreba then ponders why the newspaper article mentions Democrats tweeting out that Zinke doesn’t live in Montana, but in California.
Well, Don…it’s because you’re the Democrat they’re talking about.
What I especially love is that Pogreba is the same guy that decries the story over Bullock’s plane as a waste of time.
But arguing over Zinke’s residency isn’t?
I mean…didn’t John Lewis try this strategy in 2014? My, he lost bad.
Now Dems like Pogreba are dusting off the same tired strategies, hoping against hope that this time, maybe, they just might work.
Can you begin to understand why Democrats continue to lose in this state, why no one gives a damn about their issues?
The Western Word said it best this morning: Zinke was born in Montana, Juneau was born in California.
As I mentioned yesterday, Juneau isn’t even a member of one of Montana’s tribes.
Oh well. What’s the point in even talking about this race anymore?
We knew before it even began that Democrats would never win.
Social Security is Becoming a Joke
That changed after Congress passed Social Security amendments in 1972, which took effect in 1975.
After that, automatic adjustments would happen. The first saw recipients get 8% more each month.
This was determined by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W).
The third quarter from last year is compared against the third quarter of this year, and if the CPI-W did not increase, there will automatically be no increase to the cost of living adjustment our seniors depend on in these turbulent times.
I personally believe this system is bullshit.
Congress needs to get back into the game, and the reason is simple – our seniors are hurting.
I’ve profiled Social Security on this site before in a post called ‘Making It’ on Social Security in Montana.
It was a very popular post, getting hundreds of views.
Montana has 131,000 people that are Social Security age, and so this affects them.
Why, then, is Denise Juneau not talking about it?
Couldn’t this be an issue that voters might be receptive to?
I think so, but no one else does.
That’s sad, as for 2017 our seniors on Social Security will only get $4 more a month, or $48 a year.
That’s a 0.3% increase in the cost of living adjustment, even though we know inflation is at 2%.
So this increase doesn’t help seniors at all.
And let’s be completely honest – most people on Social Security are only making $540 a month, so they’ll only be getting $1.60 extra a month.
Gee, thanks.
Again, I’m sad this isn’t an issue in any of our political races.
I guess it’s more important whether you were born in Montana or California or whether you trap or not.
The struggles of our senior citizens don’t factor into it.