When I get bored I like to shake things up.
Let’s think about some ways we could shake things up tonight.
Tester’s Internet Gambit
What the hell is Senator Tester doing?
When I see images of him parading the FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler around our schools I have to wonder.
Is Jon hard up for money? Didn’t he get enough campaign donations (bribes) from the telecom and cable industries to shut the hell up?
Why is he parading around Montana causing a fuss? Someone get that man back in his place.
Hey, why shouldn’t I think that? We saw in February that most of Tester’s biggest donors are big banks and telecoms.
He’ll do whatever they say so he can stay in office.
It must be a helluva pain in the ass for Tester to act like he gives a damn about our internet.
I can tell he doesn’t care because he’s parading around Tom Wheeler.
Wheeler was an industry lobbyist for telecom and cable and he made a shit-ton of money telling Congress and the FCC what to do.
He was rewarded by our plutocracy. They installed him as FCC Chairman in 2013. Yep, the fox guarding the henhouse.
The New Yorker probably puts it best, the sad state our our monopolisitc telecom industry:
"In recent years, the cable and telecom industries have consolidated into a handful of quasi-monopolistic corporations, such as Comcast, Time Warner Cable, A.T. & T., and Verizon, which, all too often, are busy trying to gouge their customers while asking Washington for covert favors."
It's clear that Wheeler is part of this corrupt network. After all, they paid him to ask "Washington for covert favors."
I'm sickened to see Tester parading this industry stooge around in our Montana classrooms. Our children shouldn't be subjected to that corporate taint.
I question Tester's "leadership," I question it a lot.
He's in bed with the telecom and cable industry, as we saw in February. His largest donors are big banks and telecom giants.
Jon Tester is up for reelection in 2018.
What will you do if I'm still complaining about our internet then, Jon?
Which Missoula Legislator to Take Out?
You can almost guarantee that I’ll be running for office in 2016.
I’ll do so as an independent.
I wonder which seat would be good to go after. Yeah, in metro areas like Missoula you can run for any open seat so long as you live in town.
Which race would be the most interesting?
I’m tempted to contact Gary Marbut and see which office he’s filing for. I could file as an independent, split the vote, and finally he’d get the seat he’s been going for since ‘84.
Ellie Hill would be a tempting target.
I’m so sick of her pandering for Hillary. The Montana gun lobby would love to get rid of her as well, and financing an independent would be a good way to do that.
Yeah, we all know that independents can’t win...but they can sure cause someone else to lose.
Maybe they could cause a GOPer to lose. That would of course mean running as a Democrat.
Now, it’d be much easier to run and get some attention and cost someone else all their hard work.
What do you think something like that might be worth...and to whom?
Getting Bullock by the Short Hairs
How do we defeat Bullock?
Right now it’s clear he doesn’t have the monetary support he needs to win.
Will he get it?
I don’t think so - he’s been travelling around on the taxpayer’s dime, neglecting his office in Helena, hiding his schedule, and generally focusing more on the DGA and his own relection than what’s good for you and your family.
The GOP will not let you forget that, or other potential voters.
And why should they?
What has Bullock done for you lately?
The Cowturd Mistake
I got an anonymous email yesterday about MT Cowturd.
“I have a document that links Bob Funk to Montana Cowgirl Blog,” the email said.
That sounded intriguing so I asked them to send me what they had.
I was told that on October 7 the person downloaded the attached PDF from the Cowturd blog post about the Helena living wage.
Here's that PDF.
When they went ahead and checked the file properties of the document it showed that the document was created on October 5 and had come from Bob Funk.
I was then told that if you went back to Cowturd today you’d find that a new PDF document is up, one with no author listed.
“As a tech-savvy and politically-minded individual, you who can draw your own conclusions,” I was told.
I like the detective work and I’ll give this person an “A” for effort. Still, this doesn't really prove anything.
I know what they’re talking about with the author of the PDF file, but Cowturd and Democrats and anyone else that shares their viewpoint will just argue that Bob Funk had that PDF file - maybe even created it - and that's where Cowturd got it from.
There's too much plausible deniability. Let's say I put this story on my website. What do you think would happen?
Lots of traffic to my site and the GOP might nod and say yes while Democrats will say that's rubbish, just like they did with the Stern/Cowturd post a while back on Copper Commando.
Maybe Funk did make that post on October 7 - I wouldn't doubt it. At the same time I bet there's a few insiders that know how Cowgirl operates and are allowed posting privileges. Funk is probably one.
Again, how do you prove it...besides just a file name on a PDF? Do you think the PDF is good enough? I'm not convinced, myself.
What would the consequences of this post of mine be?
Funk would be more careful (if not expelled outright) as would everyone that puts up posts.
Do you think the anonymous emailer would want that?
Right now Cowturd and Funk made a mistake, that’s clear from their removal of the original PDF.
(I’d like to point out that I have no idea if that was the original PDF or if this anonymous emailer is just trying to stir up trouble where there is none).
At this point Cowturd doesn’t think anyone noticed.
Maybe the best thing for the GOP is to keep Cowturd in that frame of mind, let them think they're ok, continue to build your case, wait for a bigger fuck-up to occur.
Of course, the cat’s out of the bag now.
Denial Mode
It’s kind of funny that Democrats don’t even try to combat the dark money charges flowing Bullock’s way anymore.
Yeah, it’s denial mode time.
Denial mode is a common mindset that politicians enter when they have to juggle double-think in their mind.
Right now Bullock knows that dark money is bad and could cost him the election. At the same time he knows he can’t win without it.
If he wasn’t so dull, boring, obtuse, and inconsequential this might not be an issue. But he’s all those things, and worse - he’s an incumbent.
People are sick of politics as usual. Being an incumbent is suddenly not a good thing in America.
Well, what does Bullock care? I’m sure it’s jet-setting off to a new fancy hotel conference room later this week.
He needs that money, he needs it bad.