So there’s support for this.
I’m heartened by that, as we know we need the money.
- Currently the Montana Infrastructure Coalition is working with all the major Montana cities to get local option sales taxes through.
- On top of this we know that politicians and bureaucrats want to boost the gas tax by 10 cents.
- Rich people in the state are expected to pay more in taxes under Bullock’s budget.
- Sin taxes have been increased.
- The bureaucrats want to tax medical marijuana, a medicine.
In other words, things are not looking too good for Montana taxpayers.
The main reason for this is of course the low energy prices that have decimated our shaky, two-legged budgeting stool.
We rely on income taxes and property taxes and a smattering of smaller taxes to carry the state through.
Sadly, it’s no longer enough.
You’re being asked to pay more this year, and next.
Wouldn’t it be better to just legalize marijuana and be done with that nonsense?
Colorado is taking in $49.7 million in legal marijuana taxes this year.
Well, that's not quite accurate.
That $49.7 million is going to schools and roads.
They’re also taking in $100 million for other things.
Yeah, $150 million in pot taxes…my God!
Here in Montana if we had that extra $150 million we’d be sitting a lot prettier.
If you threw in that $140 million I discussed a few days ago – the money each state could get if we’d pull our troops out of Germany, Japan, and Korea – then we’d be sitting damn pretty.
Alas, we’re not doing these things.
We can’t do much about the troops, as that’s the under the purview of those idiots in Washington.
But legalize marijuana?
Hell, we should have done that years ago!
So…why haven’t we?
I think it’s because too many older people have a moral hang-up about marijuana.
They don’t like the idea of people smoking that plant.
They do like the idea of dictating what others do in their lives, put into their bodies, and enjoy in the privacy of their own homes.
This puritanical hang-up is costing the state big time.
We could have money for roads and preschool if we’d just allow people to do what they’re doing now – smoking pot.
Hell, Colorado is giving $12.3 million in pot tax income to homeless programs!
That’s Bullock’s preschool program right there.
And it’s all because people enjoy smoking cannabis.
Yes, people are smoking pot in Montana!
We know that at least 100,000 Montanans smoke marijuana once a month.
That’s 10% of the population.
Sadly, the state sees no financial benefit from this as they derive no tax money from it.
Most of our underground marijuana money is going right back out of the state, actually.
- We could change this.
- We could legalize marijuana.
- We could do it this year.
All it takes is a ballsy legislator to introduce a bill saying as much.
Sure, it might die in committee, but why not?
I think it’s because most of our legislators are afraid.
They’re afraid they’ll be mocked, laughed at, and maybe even voted out next go-round.
Well, we know the legislature has never had a plethora of leaders, and that kind of thinking makes it clear.
For most legislators, it’s not really about what’s right for the state, it’s about what’s right for that person’s moral viewpoint.
Because when you get down to it, many in the legislature and in state government don’t want you doing things that they don’t feel you should be doing, and until that changes, marijuana will remain illegal.
And the state treasury will continue to run dry.
Guess who gets to take the money out of their pocket to fill it back up again?
That’s right – you.
I hope you enjoy doing that.
You know full-well that you don’t have to, but again, you never support legalizing marijuana.
And I’m sorry, but just saying, “it should be legalized” doesn’t cut it.
Get vocal, tell people, and tell those idiots in Washington and those stupid people in Helena.
When they knock on your door begging for your vote or send you a mailer begging for money, tell them.
Tell them you want that $150 million like Colorado gets each year.
Tell them that you want them to leave you and your money the hell alone.
That’s what legal marijuana can do.
Remember, over 100,000 Montanans are doing it already.
Hasn’t had much effect on your life, has it?
So let’s get off our moral high horse and get pot legalized here.
I sure hope some of those idiots in the upcoming legislature begin talking like this.