Arlo Guthrie.
Saw on NBC Montana that he’s retiring from touring.
Who cares?
Who even knows who this person is anymore?
Very, very few.
The Boomers know. Hell, he played at Woodstock!
And Vietnam? What the hell is that?
In my high school AP US history class, we never made it past WWII.
Vietnam...what the hell is that?
And if the young did know...why should they care?
Sometimes Arlo’s 18-minute dirge comes on the ol’ jukebox at work. Everyone hates it.
The young are tired of the old...and the old know it.
But they can’t quit. The old should have left the stage years ago...but their egos won’t let them.
It’s why we have the two fossils running for president.
It’s why we still have the lockdowns.
It’s why this economy is in shambles, our infrastructure is unfunded, and our debt is through the roof.
The old pretend to care, but their lifetimes of action speak otherwise.
At this point the young are just waiting, biding their time.
We know the old will eventually die, even if they do not.
At this point it’s just a waiting game.
One day they’ll be gone. That’s when the healing can begin; that’s when this country can get back on track.