I’m talking about all the hoopla over Syria right now.
Please, don’t be stupid.
Don’t support American involvement over there.
We’ve already lost 4,518 soldiers in Iraq and we’ve lost another 2,393 in Afghanistan.
That’s nearly 7,000 young American men and women and for what?
We’re not even done fighting yet but we know the Iraq War will cost us $6 trillion and the war in Afghanistan is already past $2 trillion.
That’s $8 trillion we’ll spend, and for what?
Now we want to go into Syria as well as North Korea?
What’ll that cost?
And why can’t the countries bordering those places do more, or even something?
Hell, a year ago North Korea was threatening China with a “nuclear storm.”
China did nothing.
Russia and Syria have been allies since 1956.
In regard to Syria we know it’s just another oil and gas pipeline war.
We know Russia supplies Europe with 80% of their natural gas, and Europe resents this. So they decided to get a pipeline set up with Qatar.
This would run from Qatar through Saudia Arabia into Jordan then Syria then Turkey and into Bulgaria.
Because of disagreements over those pipelines, we’ve now had war in this part of the world for half a decade or more.
I say let the regional powers take care of their own concerns.
America needs its young people and its money to rebuild the country.
We currently have:
- 39,000 troops in Japan
- 34,000 troops in Germany
- 24,000 troops in South Korea
That comes to 97,000 troops which cost us $7 billion a year.
If we brought those troops home and divided all that money by 50, each state would have $140 million.
And what about the waste of money we saw last night?
It cost us about $94 million to launch all those tomahawk missiles at Syria.
All so we can continue this proxy war.
So far we have 5 axis powers shaping up:
- Russia
- China
- Iran
- North Korea
- Syria
All have mutual protection pacts with each other.
What a mess. We never learn our history, do we?
No one wanted to fight WWI either, but they had to because of their silly treaties.
We’ll see the same thing flare-up over this hell hole Syria.
Let’s not forget that North Korea and Iran are two countries without a Rothschild bank (Cuba is the third).
The corporate media won’t discuss that, however.
They also want you to think the atrocities in Syria are something special.
They’re not.
- 400,000 people have died in the Sudan war since 2003, with another 3 million displaced.
- 21,000 people have been killed in Mexico’s drug war this year alone, with 175,000 dead over the past decade.
- 10,000 people have been killed in the war in Yemen over the past 2 years, with another 3 million displaced.
- 7,000 people have died in the Philippines’ drug war since last summer.
- 1,000 people have been killed in Myanmar’s apartheid war this year, and 70,000 have been displaced.
I’m sure a lot of babies died in those attacks too, but since those countries don’t have oil and gas and pipeline routes, they don’t matter.
Babies there don’t matter.
Dying babies don’t matter anywhere…aside from a way to dupe gullible Americans into supporting military action in a country 5,700 miles from us.
Oh, what’s the point?
You’ve heard all this from me before in my foreign policy articles.
I really don’t see the point in discussing it any further right now.
What difference will it make?