Goin’ there real quick, too.
If you think your wages are going to go up or your healthcare costs are going to go down, think again.
The elite are in charge, and it don’t matter if they call themselves Democrats or Republicans, whether they’re on the national stage or a more local one.
Nope, your life is gonna get worse, and a whole lot worse.
There’s nothing you could have done about this.
- Vote for anyone besides Trump? Good luck – Montana was going for him no matter what.
- Clamor and whine to keep Obamacare? Yeah right – more Americans were paying higher costs than those that got healthcare for the first time. Do the math.
- Shake your head and ignore it all? I pity you – whether you take action or not, your wages will remain stagnant, prices for everything will keep going up, you’ll never afford a house, and keep dreamin’ about retirement (for that’s all it is for most of us anymore).
We might as well just say it like it is, because what are the consequences for doing so?
There are none.
Our lives are already shit, and have been for decades.
When did the American Dream die, after all…when corporations were deemed people a few years back, when our wages went stagnant at the end of the 80s, or even when JFK was taken out by the CIA and the dark forces they employed?
Does it even matter?
Surely there’s a TV sitting somewhere close by.
Just turn it on, let it wash over you, and forget it all.
Millions of your fellow Americans do it, why not you?
Or haven’t you heard the dominant message coming beneath the airwaves?
“Give up,” it says, “just give up.”
Quist’s Lackluster Campaign
Keenan wanted Curtis, and now she’s upset.
So she’ll do what any good ideologue will do – she’ll withhold just enough support to ensure Quist loses, while making it look like she lifted a finger or two to help him.
That’ll pave the way for Curtis’s run against Gianforte in 2018, a run I see going exactly as her 2014 run did, and which I figure her 2017 run would have done should it have been made possible.
No, I’m not confident.
What I’ve seen this week has made me feel that way.
I could tell Quist was going to have problems after the MT Dem machine got its hooks into him.
- New Yorkers were brought in to tell him how to connect with Montanans.
- On Facebook, the Missoula Dems could not or would not tell people where their Saturday Quist rally/GOTV events were at.
- On Friday Quist took down his old website and put up a new one, one made by a company based out of Chicago.
- Also, Team Quist took down the issues page from Rob’s site and put up a single, donation page.
In regard to that last one, Quist’s website is now exactly the same as Gianforte’s – shit.
I mentioned this on a Rob Quist Facebook post. Others want that issues page too.
Even James Conner noticed today, and wondered at the change:
“Is it because Hilltop and the Montana Democratic campaign consultancy cabal are preparing a sanitized, poll tested, platform built from planks intended to appeal to weak Republicans?
This is clumsy and arrogant campaign management.”
Oh, what happened?
A week ago things were going so well. Quist had convinced the majority of delegates to vote for him…and he did that on his own, with his own social media and website efforts.
He was winning! He had won!
But now the Dem machine has him and they’re changing things around.
To them, Rob’s way of winning is not the right way of winning. For one, it doesn’t profit whatever friends the Dem brass has in Chicago at that out-of-state website company they used.
Or was there no glad-handing there, just a realization that this company can do websites better than any other, including all those Montana website companies we profiled last year?
Others are worried about this too.
I get emails from people voicing their concerns.
Some aren’t surprised that this out-of-state firm is being used. The Party continues to be tone deaf. All it does anymore is ask you for money.
Now, Quist did have a large crowd in Bozeman recently, so much so that they had to find a bigger room.
That’s a good sign.
Still, how many of those folks were thinking about voting for Gianforte?
Not many. Most had probably already made up their mind that they’d be voting for Quist even before they went.
Preachin’ to the converted, here.
The high-class wine bar event in Polson tonight will be the same – more loyal Dem voters that Quist doesn’t need to win, as he’s already won them.
What’s even more sad is that only the local Party elite know of that event – it only went out on their local email list.
What good does that do?
Again, these people are already voting for him. Wouldn’t it be better to get more info out to regular voters?
That’s why I was so confused Missoula Dems refused to tell anyone where their event was going to be today.
Don’t you want people to come?
I guess not.
And let’s not even get started on how terribly Dems barnstorm.
Missoula to Butte to Helena to Great Falls?
Oh, and let’s not forget my personal favorite – the day-long swing through the reservations a little bit before the election.
Gotta remind the Indians which Party ‘cares’ about them, right?
When you add it all up it’s an immense bullshit platter, complete with all the fixin’s.
Yeah, fixin’s for a loss.
Baucus Defends Himself
It’ll be on MTN’s Face the State tomorrow morning before the sun comes up.
If you don’t want to get up that early, watch it now on YouTube.
Baucus said that a lot of “people would get hurt” and that they “wouldn’t get the healthcare they need" with this new Trumpcare plan.
That’s pretty much been standard operating procedure already under the non-single-payer system that Max foisted upon us.
You won’t get any of that out of him in this interview, however, nor do either of the two men talking to him ask those tough questions.
Dave Parker is an interesting one, as you might remember from my profile of him back in August 2015.
After that assessment, he blocked me on social media.
Tells you a lot.
Anyways, when Max was asked about all the Americans that had their healthcare premiums go through the roof, he had no real answer.
He said anything could be fixed and that was about it.
Parker then asked Max if he would have done anything differently back in the early-2010s or so when this was being hammered-out.
Max said, “Do we want everyone to be part of this system” or just the rich people?
Parker pushed him on opening Medicare up to everyone.
Max said that would be a good alternative, but many Americans would not want to go that way “as it’s a single payer system and in America, we’re not quite there.”
“We’re not France,” Max says.
“We need to come up with a uniquely American solution,” Max went on, which I guess is referring to the shit-program he foisted upon us, Obamacare.
Could have had single payer, but you’ll remember from my post that torpedoed his son’s chances in the special election that Max cozied up to Big Pharma and Big Insurance to block single payer.
Max wants our healthcare system to continue working for the rich, and against poor, common Americans.
Max Baucus: a true Montana villain.
Times are tough, people are strapped, and hope is fleeting at best, nonexistent in most cases.
So what to do?
I tune most of it out these days.
About 2 months ago I stopped watching the fake news, as I was prone to do during lunch each day.
For a long time it was the NBC Nightly News for about 15 minutes as I ate, then later CBS.
Now I just skip that propaganda and look out my window at the birds.
I don’t write much on this site anymore, either.
What’s the point?
Back in January I had 24 Montana articles up.
By February that’d fallen to 13 and this month I’ve put up 3, counting this one.
I just don’t know what I hope to accomplish.
Nothing ever changes. Look at that sorry man Max Baucus on the TV talk show today – he fucked America over big time, yet he’s still pulled out and dusted off to tell us what’s best for us.
We need fewer people like that in our lives, and in this country.
Leaders…do we even have any anymore?
Or are they all snuffed-out by the ruling elite before they can make any waves?
I think so.
Anyways, just some thoughts for you as we get closer to the Ides of March.
Be careful out there.