Let’s begin.
Will the Real MT Cowgirl Please Stand Up?
The MT Cowgirl blog changed hands in January. Readers were told of this on January 18.
The Montana Cowgirl twitter account has changed hands, and the old one may have been deleted. The current account was started in January 2017.
The old account was called @TheMT_Cowgirl and the new one is @MTCowgirlBlog.
To see their tweets I had to log out of my Twitter account as the MT Cowgirl account blocked me long ago.
But I’m not really interested in their tweets. I’m interested in Erin Kelly’s tweets.
Someone told me to look into this old, February 2015 tweet from her.
If you look at the responses, they’re all replying to the MT Cowgirl twitter account.
So…was the MT Cowgirl twitter account changed into Erin Kelly’s account…most likely after the 2016 election?
That’s what I’m being told.
Twitter even tells you how to change your account "without losing any followers."
The rumors as far back as 2006-7 were that Jessica Rhodes and Eric Stern were running Cowgirl. Both worked in the Brian Schweitzer governor’s office.
So when MT cowgirl got caught tweeting for Rob Quist...and went silent...and the "new" cowgirl/boy account was created, the old one just changed its name to Erin Kelly...and kept all the followers.
Kyle Schmauch was the one to discover this, on May 3.
The blog went silent from May 7-21. Then on June 29, MT Cowgirl put up a post chastising MT Political Review. One of their main complaints? The site is written by anonymous writers. Go figure.
Both Stern and Rhodes are now back in the Governor’s office. The similarity between Rhodes’ tweets and Erin Kelly's is uncanny.
Rhodes makes $44.94 an hour. Is she using state computers to send out political propaganda on MT Cowgirl blog?
Stern makes $41.37 an hour. What's his role in this anonymous propaganda?
Simple questions.
Don't expect any responses...aside from anonymous blogs and social media accounts attacking you.
Indians: Pure Suckers
I see that the Chippewa tribe has lost $3.5 million.
Well, that money wasn’t lost – it was wasted and misused by a few Indians at the top while the rest of the tribe suffered.
Stories like this make me realize Indians have no one to blame but themseves for their problems. They're really the same as white people, when you think about it: a small, rich, entitled minority subjugating the majority and making their lives worse.
Welcome to the club.
I’ve written it on this site before – Indians’ lives will never get better until they challenge the top dogs of their tribes.
Who are the top dogs?
The ones driving shiny new pickups around after the elections.
Angry (read ineffective) Dems
Pete Talbot took offense to one of my comments on Logicosity yesterday.
Here’s the rundown:
What impact will these cuts have on my life?
None. Most Montanans are just like me. It's why we have the current 'terrible' situation.
Um...terrible for whom?
Not most of us. Again, it's why this is not an issue. Oh, for a small minority of the state and some Helena bureaucrats it is. But for most of us it doesn't currently have an impact, nor will it.
Open your eyes.
Channeling Donald J. Trump again, Greg? It's all about me, me, me. If you had an autistic child or an aged relative in a nursing home or needed prescription drugs you couldn't afford, you'd be singing a different tune. But you don't, so screw those poor suckers. You have the empathy of a Martin Shkreli.
Maybe Democrats will wake up and realize that 'me, me, me' is how most Americans think. We live in the real world. We get up each day and go to work. We have little to show for it, and less to spread around. And when we mention this, Democrats belittle us.
Oh, how high and mighty they are.
In their own minds. We see our three branches of government - all GOP. Dems are great at complaining, but little else.
I'd say there are tens of thousands of Americans than have autistic children, and they're able to take care of them. Same for aged relatives. These are responsible people - they made the right choices, were able to provide for themselves.
Democrats have no use for these types.
Pete, when you and your Party start addressing the problems in the majority of Americans' lives, perhaps you'll start winning again. But I and millions of others in this country realize that isn't going to happen.
So keep on keeping on. It has no effect.
I'd just like to add that autism costs that American economy $265 billion a year...or at least it did in 2015. I don't know what the emotional costs are.
Why isn't our government doing more to cure this disease/disorder? Why aren't they doing more to cure cancer? Hell, last year nearly 600,000 Americans died from various cancers.
And what does our government do? Nothing.
Let's look at Social Security. We've got 59 million Americans receiving benefits and most use that as their primary source of income.
Why are cost of living adjustments so low...if they even come at all?
These are issues that our government could be talking about. Our politicians could be talking about them. But they're not.
These are majority issues that cut across Party lines.
Who's 'screwing the poor suckers'?
10 Questions for Legislators
- How do you help my life?
- How does the legislature help you?
- Why are wages in Montana stagnant?
- Why do so many young people have to leave the state?
- Where does my tax money go?
- Why do you want my money?
- Why do you want more of my money?
- Why do you want a special session?
- How does a special session help me?
- How much money do you make?