In 387 days, Greg Gianforte will be elected the 25th governor of Montana.
In 449 days, Greg Gianforte will be sworn in as the 25th governor of Montana.
The only one that can stop this from happening is Greg Gianforte himself.
I just don’t see him shooting himself in the foot. He’s not going to ruin his chances with drink or drugs or women. He assaulted a reporter in 2017 but was elected despite this. When he ran again in 2018, he got the most votes of any candidate in Montana that cycle.
I hope the Dems focus on the reporter assult - Montanans don't care.
Earlier this year there was talk that Gianforte might lose in the primary to Fox.
This is now a pipe dream, one that will never come to fruition. With the entry of Whitney Williams into the race, it’s now assured that Dems will stay in their own primary...they won’t be straying over to the GOP primary.
No Dems will be crossing-over to vote for Fox, thinking this is the lesser of two evils. Now they’ll flock to Whitney, and I’m sure she’ll get the nod.
This is the best opponent that Gianforte could hope for. The out-of-state arguments won’t work with someone like Whitney in the race. Gianforte has actually lived in Montana for more years than she has.
Let's be honest - the out-of-state attacks never worked in the first place.
I’m looking forward to the Gianforte administration, myself.
I voted for him in ‘16 and I’ll be voting for him again next year.
I can’t imagine voting for Whitney Williams.
Hillary, Jr.? Who the hell wants to live in a state run by her?
No one.
“Good jobs and the Montana way of life,” is the main campaign slogan that Gianforte is using this year.
You can see that on his website, and I encourage you to take a look. It’s a sparse site, with little information. He does have great photos. And it’s a helluva lot better than Whitney’s one-page, ‘give-me-your-money’ site.’
One of the things you might notice about Whitney is how disingenuous she looks. Every photo I see of her I think, ‘here’s a woman I can’t trust.’
Likability will be the biggest hurdle for her to overcome, just as it was for Hillary. We’ll see this firsthand when the video trackers release their clips next summer.
But why are we even wasting time talking about this?
Ain’t no way GG’s losing next year.
His win will help a lot of people.
We’ll pay fewer taxes and local option sales taxes won’t pass.
Able-bodied adults that don’t want to work will be forced to, as Gianforte will cut the amount of social services spending.
This is actually one I’m looking forward to - the elimination of handouts.
We have a monumental worker shortage in this state, and businesses are desperate to find workers. Seasonal industries are suffering especially hard right now.
I’m so sick of seeing 20-something and 30-something young men here in Missoula with their cardboard signs, asking you to take care of them because they’re too lazy to do so themselves.
My how they take advantage of us!
Gianforte’s going to get rid of that shit. He’ll do so with policies that are conservative and harsh.
Oh, they’ll be harsh if you’re one of the bleeding-hearts that think ‘work ethic’ is a foreign concept.
For those of us that get up each day and go to work and take care of our families, it won’t matter. We’re the ones carrying this state on our backs. With Gianforte in the governor’s office, we’ll be rewarded for this work with more money in our pockets.
I don’t know what the Dems are running on next year. I don’t care.
Greg Gianforte is going to be the next governor of Montana, whether you like it or not.
Just 387 more days.