The world’s an evil place.
That seems especially true today.
You can feel it, all around. It’s on the TV everyday, all day.
So many are giving up in the face of this. Currently in Europe, the death toll for those aged 20-50 is going way up, a lot more than normal.
Dropping like flies. Most of these young souls are overwhelmed. This world’s too much for ‘em; they just want out.
That’s frustrating.
We all decided to come here, to this planet, at this point in time. We created the soul contract with our higher beings, guardian angels, and soulmates.
And yet for many, it’s just too much.
Yes, these are frustrating times...and it’s only going to get worse. It’s going to get a lot worse.
I’m worried about the kids.
We’re gonna start giving the jabs to kids here in another week or so.
I’m very conflicted on this. One the one hand, giving them the shots will ensure they also die, along with their parents. On the other...can we afford to lose an entire generation?
Big Pharma knows that they don’t want a lot of orphans around, dragging down what’s left of know, all of us that are left that are healthy enough to cater to the 1%.
It’s so hard to find information on how many are dying from the spike protein injections. It’s in the interests of the powerful, the wealthy, and the elite to keep that information hidden from the masses.
I will give them kudos on dividing the country, and making citizens blame each other. Vaxxed vs. Un-vaxxed...that’s the narrative, and most of the fat, stupid, lazy American citizenry is eating it up.
The vaccinated aren’t the enemy.
The unvaccinated aren’t the enemy.
The rich folks are.
They’ve always been the enemy. That’s why they spend a substantial portion of their wealth trying to convince us otherwise.
And it’s working, big time.
But nothing lasts forever.
So many are beginning to wake up. A lot more will be roused from their slumber when the vaccines start killing more.
That’s what the vaccines were designed for - population control. And they’re working.
How do you explain the worker shortage?
People that just decided they don’t need to work anymore? Maybe they have enough government stimulus? Perhaps career changes, maybe lack of childcare?
You’re not that stupid. You know what’s happening.
The experimental gene-therapy injections from Big Pharma are killing people, and on a massive scale. These deaths are then blamed on covid.
Anyone with half a brain can see least if they’re not hooked-up to the corporate media 24/7. Those folks don’t want to see. They call it ‘programming’ for a reason.
How do you explain Vermont...where 70% of the population is fully vaccinated, yet 76% of September deaths occurred in the vaccinated population?
How about Maryland? 40% of covid deaths are happening in the vaccinated community.
Hey, just ignore that - keep drinking the Kool-Aid. That's what they want you to do...and you're happy to oblige.
What kind of a human are you?
Yes, there is a lot of evil in the world right now.
The good news? I think it’s gonna meet it’s match real fucking quick here. I think God is getting real tired of this shit. I imagine He’ll put His foot down pretty quick here.