My, what a start to the New Year!
While I’ve put up just 10 posts so far this month, they’re pretty good posts.
The response has been overwhelming.
For instance, the post I put up about Cooney got a lotta love on social media.
I don’t think I’ve ever put out a more successful tweet.
Typically, if you can get a 10% click-through rate back to your site, that’s a success. This one was probably closer to 50% or even higher.
When you put up honest, hard-hitting content you’ll get these results.
One of the biggest things that helped with that tweet was the overwhelming support of Democrats.
I can’t understand Dems. They find something they hate and then they tell everyone and shine a light on it and make it way bigger than it ever was.
The Streisand Effect.
One of the things you might have noticed about the Democrats’ hate is how inconsequential it is.
Who cares?
- Who cares that Montana Democrats are mad about something?
- Who cares if they flock to social media to complain?
- Who cares if they comment on blogs with their anonymous names?
I don’t, and I don’t think most Montana voters care, either.
Personally, I get a good chuckle out of it.
Let’s talk about Pete Talbot.
He’s writing again, after about a month’s absence. He put up two posts this past week.
It’s been 39 days since he threatened to sue me.
For six days a week for the past month I’ve walked to my mailbox, wondering if this’ll be the day I get Pete’s defamation lawsuit in the mail.
I think it’s safe to say that his lawsuit isn’t coming, and it never will come.
I’m glad he’s writing again, and I’m glad his two posts got 656 and 289 shares on Facebook, respectively.
We all know how important Facebook is to winning hearts and minds, winning elections. Without that small, insular bubble of support it might seem like we’re out in a wide open wilderness without any supporters.
Kind of like Montana is now.
I hope the Republicans that Pete writes about take notes, and I hope one threatens him with a lawsuit the way he threatened me.
Probably won’t happen, because the GOP in this state isn’t like Pete - they have thick skins and can take criticism.
Ever notice that Daines and Gianforte and Stapelton never respond?
Why would they? It’d be kind of like you bitching at the ant you just stepped on for dirtying-up your boot.
Keep writing, Pete.
I made at least two mistakes in my Missoula legislator post.
First, Tara Lyons is not running for HD 96. She withdrew the paperwork that she’d filed in May. I don’t know when she withdrew it, as this is not listed. Chances are good it was before I wrote my post.
SK Rossi is not running for HD 94, either. She also filed paperwork months ago, but at some point withdrew it.
I think the gaggle running out of Missoula this year is pathetic, and I don’t see how anyone is going to get interested in any of these people.
Most are lawyers, the scum of the earth.
I hope the GOP puts up some people worth voting for, but I know they’ll scramble the day before filing ends to get some placeholder candidates.
Hopefully Vondene Kopetski will step down as head of the Missoula GOP soon. Her leadership abilities are nonexistent.
That is a real fan. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 23, 2020
Just wanted to share this fun image.
247,000 likes on that one.
Biden gets about 3,900 likes on his tweets. Warren has 27,000 likes on her pinned tweet. Bernie has 39,000 likes on one of his recent tweets.
I think we all know who's winning the popularity contest.
Do you think any of the clown car Dems actually have a chance of beating this guy?
Trump’s fun. None of the Dems are. Voters notice this.
I wish I had more to write about, but there’s just not a lot of news reports that I can dig into and discuss.
I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff happening that we don’t even know about, mainly because the reporting in this country and this state is so shoddy. The lack of reporters is the biggest thing causing this problem. We have a reporter shortage because the media companies don’t make as much money as they used to before the internet became so widespread.
We do know that FEC finance reports are due next Friday, and that they’ll probably be up for the public to see by the following Monday.
I can’t wait!
For instance, I really want to see what John Mues and Cora Neumann are spending their money on.
Both are running for the Senate against Daines, in case you don’t know who they are. Currently, both are trying to win the social media game by putting up a lot of posts that most people don’t care about.
When the primary is over in June, there’s a good chance we’ll never hear from either of these two people again.
Well, that might prove false - many of the has-been’s and also-ran’s will get on Twitter from time to time to send out a real ‘zinger.’
It’s interesting how much people care about Montana and its people until they lose an election. Then they stop caring.
I think it’s a safe bet they never really cared in the first place.