It’s clear the US Dollar is heading for serious declines in value.
The debt to GDP ratio around the world has gone from 200% to 350%. In this country, we’re in worse shape debt-wise than we were following both the Great Depression and WWII!
It’s abundantly clear that the various central banks around the world are flinching.
In the UK, the Bank of England made it clear it will not raise interest rates above 5%. Currently that country has over 10% inflation.
So that country stated outright that they will not do anything to control inflation.
The reason is simple - they know if they did, their economy would collapse into a recession or worse (I believe it’s already there).
So instead of pulling off the Band-Aid quickly by raising rates above 10% to rein-in inflation, the UK is going to give up and allow their currency to lose value, meaning common citizens will lose purchasing power and will have to live paycheck-to-paycheck even more than they’re doing now.
The US will be no different.
Our inflation rate is around 8% right now, though I truly believe it’s a lot higher than that. Interest rates are currently around 3%.
So just like the UK, our beholden-to-none central bank isn’t concerned about reining inflation in so much as allowing the currency to devalue.
That’s why prices for everything are up while the packages they come in are smaller. And this shows absolutely no signs of changing.
Many who recognize this problem have absolutely no idea what to do when it comes to helping common citizens.
Their answer is to always buy gold.
How the hell are Amerians supposed to buy gold when 63% are currently living paycheck-to-paycheck?
Even 50% of those making $100,000 a year are “just getting by.”
Wow…our economy is really strong, isn’t it?
Not only do we have the people in charge with their heads in the clouds, but the people that oppose them are just as clueless and divorced from most people’s common, everyday reality.
Expect things to get a lot worse.
And then on top of it we have a stupid election. Most know the Dems are going to lose badly, though whether Dems or Republicans win…the economy won’t improve. It’ll just get worse.
The real poison in this country are the two corporate, political parties and the corrupt media that props them up.
No healing change will ever truly come to this country until both the Democrat and Republican Parties are gone.
You know this.
If you’re truly honest with yourself you’ll realize this country can never become whole again with two competing factions that hate each other and refuse to work together.
You know this.
That’s a big reason I voted for the Libertarian in our Tranel/Zinke race here in western Montana.
I don’t know anything about the libertarian, but it was better than the two shit, corporate choices.
I can’t fathom sending Pelosi another vote (which is all Tranel would be). Monica just doesn’t have the strength to go against the establishment. That would cost her her office, because she’d be unable to fundraise. That’s all freshmen congressmen are expected to do - fundraise for the race two years away. It’s sick.
Zinke is utterly worthless, and will never do anything his corporate handlers and big-money donors disapprove of. Montana has nothing to do with it.
I don’t really care who wins or loses because I know that nothing in my life will change.
The elections coming up have absolutely no bearing on my life. It’s this way for the majority of Montanans, even if they own property.
What saddens me most is that neither Zinke or Tranel are ever confronted over their corruption.
Why don’t regular people go to their events and raise hell, rightly accusing them of selling out and not caring about common citizens?
How come no one ever confronts them on all their out-of-state spending, when they could spend that money in Montana to create Montana jobs?
Why do people think there’s a difference between an R and a D?
Probably because most of us are too busy just trying to scrape by.
The Tranels and Zinkes of the world will never understand this. They’re so pampered that they have no idea how most of this country lives.
They never will understand, either…no matter how much they tell us of their struggles from decades ago when they too were a ‘common worker.’
As usual, I and most of the other wage-earners here in Missoula are praying for a market and housing crash.
It’s not that we want to get into houses ourselves. No, we’re long past those ‘dreams.’
At this point we just want those with money and power to suffer. We want to see pensions wiped-out and people walk away from their mortgages. We want to see large corporations fail and banks go under. We want to see the pitchforks come out.
Because it’s not going to have a huge impact on our lives.
And so what if we lose that crappy job, or get booted from that shoe-box apartment?
That just means there are tons like us, millions perhaps. The more that lose it all and are forced to the street, the faster this country’s much-needed shake-up can happen.
Do you really think anything’s going to change until most of this country’s wealth is wiped-out and the middle class realizes they’re never going to get ahead?
I don’t.
The central bankers don’t, either. That’s why they gave up on trying to control inflation with monetary policy and will allow it to run out of control.
They know the common people will quietly sit by, watching their Netflix and eating their junk. Oh, they might complain…but they’ll never get their fat asses up off the couch to do anything about it.
And that’s where they have us. They know it, and we know it.
It’s pathetic what we’ve become.