I’m poor, so my options are very limited. It’s a good bet all my freelancing income will dry up, as will my income from Amazon. My wife might lose her job, as so many other parents will be losing theirs that daycares aren’t really an option.
So we won’t be paying any rent because we won’t have any money coming in. Like most people, we’ll move in with friends or relatives. That probably won’t last too long as it’s just not sustainable and our society doesn’t really condone that. Lots of other people don’t have that option either, and for them it’s the FEMA camps.
I know the banks won’t be operating, because most will have failed. They’re on such shaky ground now that it’s a wonder they’ve lasted this long. After the initial bank runs the ATMs will just shut down. Any money I’d had in the bank will be worthless to me…and in effect won’t even be mine anymore.
That’s why I won’t have any money in the bank, although I’m not sure money will be good anymore. The Chinese RMB might be good, because at least they’re taking steps to strengthen that currency. With 78 straight months of 0% interest here in the US, we’re doing everything we can to destroy ours. I mean, it’s clear that if we even raised interest rates by 1%, we’d owe $180 billion in interest payments. If we raised rates to 6% we’d owe $1.08 trillion in just interest alone. Is the American economy sustainable? It’s anything but.
That’s why we have gold and silver, and as you can see from these charts, there are options:
Maybe you can go out and find silver too, I don’t know. I do know that at $16.30 an ounce, I can buy some…quite a bit in fact. If I was lucky, it might get close to $50 again after the meltdown, and that means I’d see a 300% return on my investment.
But will I be able to find a dealer to get cash for that, and will I want to? Might be better to hoard food and protect my guns. It might take awhile for things to right themselves, especially when the federal government is going around and killing its citizens, as is expected with Jade Helm (maybe you shouldn’t worry – the government assures us everything will be alright).
I fully expect a sizable bail-in this year, and I fully expect people will howl. I mean, up to 20% off the top of your account to bailout the corrupt bankers that are already walking on the edge?
Even if you think the FDIC insurance of $100,000 will help you, that’s still $20,000 from your account that they will take and that you can do nothing about. Oh, I guess you could go down there and fill out forms and wait, but that’s not bringing that money back.
And besides, Congress voted for bail-ins so banks can take your money, and at the same time the FDIC increased their insurance from $100,000 to $250,000.
We all know this is a joke, however, as there’s only $50 billion in the FDIC to bailout $6 trillion worth of deposits. Maybe there’s nothing to worry about, though – some say there’s $46 billion in the account, and just $4.5 trillion in deposits.
You do the math, and you think on whether you’ll be the first in line for that money or the rich people will be ahead of you. Now thing where the person with the gun will be in that line.
The banks are more of a liability to you than an asset, and that’s exactly how they view you – your deposits are assets to them, and if you want them back, they quickly become liabilities. In other words, it’s in the best interest of the banks not to care about you.
Money in mattresses, folks, money in mattresses. If you’re someone like my mom that’s got all kinds of money tied up in the market, I’d think about diversifying.
Of course, people like that always say the hit of taking it out isn’t worth it, but then all you can do is shake your head and imagine what they’ll say when the real hit comes. After all, they’ve spent the past several years just getting back to where they were five years ago.
I’ll seriously curtail my student loan payments here real soon. I’ll pay the minimum and just let them stay where they are. I need that money right now a lot more than banks, and if the federal government has no intention of paying off its debts, why should I?
That’s the lesson they’ve given me, racking up $18 trillion in debt like that. There’s no way that will ever be paid off, because there’s no way it can be paid off. That’s the whole reason interest rates haven’t risen – it’d kill us! The American economy is a Ponzi scheme!
Right now it’d take us 400 million years to pay off our national debt, and it’s not physically possible. We could travel a light year faster than that. Only once has America been debt free, and that was in 1835 when President Andrew Jackson showed us the way. The bankers tried to kill Jackson for it.
So that’s what we’re dealing with here, the kind of mentality that will kill a president to get their way. Sure, that might have been in 1835, but do you think anything has changed since then? Banking hasn’t, and if you knew anything about history, you’d know that the 1800s were nothing but slow times between various banking panics.
I don’t know why we allow bankers to jerk us around like that. Jesus kicked the moneylenders out of the temple, but now we kiss the ground they walk on. How does this make sense?
I’m not sure it’s possible to have hope, I’m not sure this can be stopped. Rats and sinking ships and heading for lifeboats…it’s too late already.
Be prepared, stock up, and take the wool from your eyes – America is in a tight spot, desperate and nothing good is going to come from it. Things are becoming dicey, sooner than we’d imagined. Summer’s coming, and things are going to get hot.
They’ve already got the paperwork and deals in place, and Europe has abandoned us to go along with them. And can you blame our old allies? We’re drunk on excess and smelling like sin – who in their right mind would want to call America a friend?
So why would the US call their military actions against citizens ‘Jade Helm?’ Is it because the US doesn’t really control things and that the large banking firms in Europe do?
That might have come about in 1944 with Bretton Woods, but it ended exactly 70 years later when the Chinese started up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, or AIIB. Already it has 57 countries as members and $50 billion in reserve, and the writing is on the wall that American economic dominance of the world is at an end.
Who wants the American dollar? No one…no one wants it. It’s not worth anything! The only thing propping up the American dollar at this point is debt, and lots of it.
The problem is, no one wants to buy that debt, and since America has been off the gold standard since the days of Nixon, we’ve got nothing to back up that shaky currency that’s propped up with nothing but debt.
In other words, we’ve got a paper tiger on our hands, a house of cards, a disaster waiting to happen. The only confidence there is in the American economy has been given to us by confidence men…con men.
The American people have been conned, and there will be a huge reckoning. The American government is in a real bind here. On the one hand, the rich oligarchs that bought the government want to see it continue as a viable, going concern.
On the other hand, to ensure their continual existence, they need to subvert the institutions and interests of that government so it protects them. And when I say it protects them, I mean it protects them against you.
We have enough guns for every man, woman and child in this country, and that really scares a lot of the rich people and those oligarchs that allow that system to continue. Things like Jade Helm are necessary for them, as they can’t have tens of thousands of armed people out on the streets, demanding food and jobs and housing.
Thankfully those poor people are easily controlled with food, and they’ll go willingly to the camps. It’s the ones that have stocked up on food that will be the problems, and they’ll have to be dug-out or whole swaths of the country will have to be cordoned off as unwinnable for now.
The nations of the world will be a little more difficult to control. Henry Kissinger said that you can control people with food, but to control nations you need oil.
This is really key as the electrical grid has to stay up at all costs. If that goes, you really do have societal collapse…at least in America. In China and the rest of the world they care about infrastructure, so much so that they just made a bank devoted to it. In America we just let ours fall apart.
So we’ll see a real tipping of the scales, with America declining and Europe and Asia rising up. The world will become very lopsided, and this will create global catastrophe for untold millions.
If you think 5,000 drowning in the Mediterranean as they try to find a better life is bad, wait until hundreds of thousands are drowning and the shores are clogged with bodies.
That’s what we’re heading to, and it’s likely the third anti-Christ will rise up at that time. I never really felt that Napoleon qualified as an anti-Christ, myself, but we can all say that Hitler did…can’t we?
I dunno, maybe the next guy (or gal) will be worse. We know from Nostradamus that he’ll arise in the East in the 80s. He’ll call for peace as well, which sounds peaceful, but will probably just result in a larger war.
Remember, the Bible says we have 7 years after the anti-Christ is revealed. Who knows, maybe the clock is already ticking. 'Chernobyl' does mean 'wormwood,' in Ukrainian and that's word is one of the trumpets of the apocalypse.