That’s how Mike Dennison finished the first sentence of his noon-time story yesterday on Daines and Bullocks' fundraising for the first quarter.
Rushed it.
Mike isn’t reporting facts...he’s reporting campaign talking points (FEC reports aren't available yet and probably won't be until next week).
Propaganda. Hearsay.
Mike is a better reporter than this. He knows better.
I personally believe that Mike’s network is pushing him to get these stories out before they’re ready.
But then I’ve seen Mike regurgitate these campaign talking points before when it comes to fundraising.
I don’t blame him. It’s hard work to actually go into the FEC finance reports (which aren’t even up on the site yet).
It’s a lot easier to just cut-and-paste what the campaigns send you.
Mike could do a better job. He chooses not to.
Mike could have waited a day or two to give us a complete story, free of spin and full of facts...including who these PACs are that are giving huge amounts to both candidates.
But he chose not to.
His corporate network chose not to.
I have to Mike now in this just for the money?
Clearly, accurate stories no longer matter. Reporting facts no longer matters. Just talking points copy-pasted from the campaigns.
It’s a very sad day for Montana journalism.
Let us hope that Mike gets his shit together.
But I doubt it.