Let’s take a few moments to discuss a wide range of issues.
Bullock’s Bureaucracy Problems
First, Bullock lost another high-ranking staff member this week.
The head of Montana Child Protective Services left her post. The Flathead Beacon had the story.
To me, the real standout is that the 3 staffers in the Kalispell office were forced to do the work of 15 people.
I guess that’s the kind of workplace environment we can expect from the Bullock Administration.
Instead of finding people to work in that office, Bullock created “a 14-person commission tasked at examining the child protection system.”
We had that bullshit here in Missoula when it came to our jail.
A Democratic legislator was given $40,000 to study the problem.
Months later, still no word on what she found, still no report on what happened to that money.
Well, we know what happened to it – she used it to pay her rent and other bills.
Lucky she's safe this year, with no chance of someone running against her. She'll have problems in '18, however.
So you can tell that the state bureaucracy is broken. Instead of hiring 12 more staff members for Kalispell, 14 brown-nosers were given 'jobs.'
Twitter Nits
Ever see some of these Democratic idiots on Twitter, you know, the ones that are paid to shill for the candidates all the time?
God, I grow tired of them.
I sent out a tweet admonishing one of them tonight, Ben Lamb.
Of course, that clown blocked me a year ago or more so he’ll never see that.
I do feel I may have made a mistake, saying he’s with the MT Wilderness Association.
To show the drain paid tweeters have on a charity like that, I pointed out the MT Wilderness Association’s charity rankings:
Wow, just 83% of the money I give you goes to the cause?
I have a firm rule that at least 90% has to go to the charity (many I give to have 95% or more).
So I wouldn’t give to the MT Wilderness Association.
Actually, I sent a letter to the March of Dimes a week ago admonishing them for the same 83% rating.
I'll write a letter to MT Wilderness Association tomorrow.
It’s wrong to piss so much away on Administrative Expenses and Fundraising Expenses.
Anyways, Ben Lamb didn’t work for them. I was thinking of his profile on Bully Pulpit.
What I should have been thinking about was his connection with the Wyss Foundation.
Hansjorg Wyss is a Swiss billionaire that has a penchant for giving to pet environmental causes.
One of those are the American Prairie Reserve, which Lamb works for, or at least is somehow connected with.
We know Northern Plains Resource Council-drain Clayton Elliot has also benefited from Wyss money.
(Northern Plains Resource Council gives 89% of the money it raises to the cause it supports. It could give more, but they 'need' people like Elliot).
Wyss also likes giving lots of money to the Clinton Foundation’s efforts to help young girls…when he’s not trying to sue women to keep quiet about his alleged sexual misconduct with them.
Media Trackers had a lot more on these liberal billionaires coming into Montana to buy up ranchland so they can turn it over to bison herds.
Yep, the tax base will only erode further - just what those rural counties need. (Well, for dependency-driven Dems, that's exactly what they need).
You see, Montana Democrats have no problem with billionaires coming in from out of state and spending money.
They have no problem with the feds propping people up, either. It's those that decide to work for a living that give them grief.
They just don’t like billionaires that have lived in Bozeman for 20 years and pulled untold numbers into the upper middle-class.
Cowturd’s Anonymity Problem
Have you noticed all the guest posters over at MT Cowturd?
Guess all that outcry over their anonymous attackers paid off, eh? Now they’re pulling back, getting onto the same defensive track as Bullock.
I’m not going to have some anonymous cartoon cyber-bully me.
That’s what MT Cowturd does – hide behind a mask of anonymity so it can hurl attacks at unsuspecting targets.
Oh, don’t expect them to make sense in whatever defense they give, whatever justification they spin.
The bottom line is that you’ve got an anonymous attack site funded and powered by the upper echelons of the Montana Democratic Party to not only attack members of the opposing party, but any Democrat that falls out of line.
I know this because I’ve been on the receiving end of those attacks. More, I’ve had several fake Twitter accounts set up for the sole purpose of going after me.
Yeah, a guy that ran for the legislature in 2014 and that writes a website that gets 1,000 hits a day.
I know, it seems silly to attack me but you have to realize, these guys are on the defense and they’re on it bad.
I mentioned yesterday how Bullock can’t seem to get out and talk to people around the state.
Even today he had that silly candidate filing incident. Gosh, Gianforte went around to 8 cities or some such when he announced.
Bullock has to hide in the Capitol hallways and back offices when he announces.
That’s somethin’.
Well, maybe if he and the hacks in the Party just keep attackin’ then everything will be alright.
Refugee Marches
I’ll be down at the Missoula anti-hate march tomorrow.
Really, it’s a march to show that Missoula and other cities are fine with inviting a bunch of Syrian refugees in.
I’m so glad we’ll not get any of those refugees for another year or more.
I can’t help but think of abortion nutcases when I think of refugee supporters.
Both claim to care about lives but both ignore glaring problems right in front of them.
For abortion crusaders, it’s fine to support a pregnant woman for 9 months but then it’s an attitude of kicking her to the curb for the next 18 years.
Oh, I’m sorry – is cutting welfare benefits, outsourcing jobs, and cutting taxes to the rich in any way not kicking her to the curb?
These refugee clowns we see now are all about bringing in a bunch of people that have nothing, can’t speak English, and practice a religion that treats women like dogs.
They do this while ignoring the massive homelessness problem we have right under the Reserve Street Bridge, a problem that has led to murders in the past.
But hey – we’ll go ahead and ignore that glaring problem because if we instead focus on making our cultural tapestry more diverse with these Syrians, everything will be fine.
I just chuckle and shake my head, for that’s really all you can do when it comes to zealots…whichever side of the spectrum they’re on.