Filing day is very important for unknown candidates, because it’s the one time the media will actually pay attention to you.
I knew this, so made sure I was near the computer this afternoon and evening. And it paid off. Both the Missoulian and NBC Montana contacted me, used my quotes, and the latter even put up my picture.
Compare this to the other guy that filed for mayor today, Shawn Knopp. The Missoulian mentioned that he didn’t respond to a late-day email. So that’s a huge missed opportunity.
And what about the city council races? No mention of any of the candidates there, unfortunately. These folks are going to need help to win, and a big part of that is media exposure. It’s a shame our local media is ignoring them.
We had two new people file for city council today. One is Jane VanFossen in Ward 1. She’s involved with the Missoula County Republican Women group, and appeared on TalkBack several years ago to discuss the city’s budget.
In Ward 6 we have Madelein Owen. I’m not sure who this is. All I can find is a university student focused on marketing and graphic design, who may or may not be the same person that works at the Clark Fork River Market as a clerk.
That ward now has three candidates, so they probably won’t have a primary. Ward 1 will likely, and NBC Montana already says that “adding the third candidate to a nonpartisan municipal election guarantees Missoula will have a primary election to narrow the field for November," in regard to the mayoral race.
I wouldn’t be so fast there. I believe the decision comes down to Engen alone, perhaps with the city council’s backing.
I look forward to listening to RD’s political podcast this week. I’m sure they’ll have a lot of interesting thoughts about all these various races and the media’s portrayal of them.
Finally, if you go to Missoula’s Reddit page, you’ll get some thoughts. I think this one nails it:
Update: We did have another person file today. I'm sure the media will mention it later.
In the meantime, here's the info we had on the Missoula City Council candidates in April when filing began, and in June, when filing was done.
In that same post, you'll find info on the judicial candidates we have. These are very important races, but they'll get the least attention in the media.
We still don't know what kinds of bonds will be on the ballot this November, but I'm sure we'll have one or two.
Until then, stay vigilant.
Well, here we are.
Monday, the filing deadline.
Seems pretty clear that no one else is gonna file. So we’re stuck with what we’ve got.
I cannot begin to tell you how much I want to take the $1,000 I have in the drawer right now, go to the elections office, and just give it to them.
Biggest thing since Goldie Wilson.
Of course, there’s paperwork, the bank, and other hoops to contend with.
I’d so much rather put that money into the crypto markets. $1,000 there will go a long way; $1,000 to the elections office would probably just be a huge waste.
I remember the 2017 special election that got Gianforte into Congress for the first time.
A relatively unknown and complete nobody as far as you’re concerned, well, he emailed me, wondering if he should spend the $1,500 to file for that special election.
I told him it was a complete waste of money, as Gianforte had it locked up. But he went ahead and ran anyways, and - lo and behold - he lost big.
That’s most likley what would happen to me if I filed today - waste of money, laughing-stock.
I hope some real candidates file, some real leaders...some real balls. I’ve already given $50 to the conservatives running in Ward 3 and Ward 5. They’ll get that money in the mail today. I think the ‘boost of support’ will be more valuable.
It’s hard running for office. I’ve done it 5 times. The biggest obstacle is indifference.
God I want to run for mayor so bad...but I know it’d be nearly impossible to win. Corruption won’t give up so easily. In fact, it’ll fight tooth and nail to keep its precarious predicated on taking your money to keep going.
7 hours to the filing deadline. God help us.