Just about every image I see on Twitter today is showing long lines at the polling places.
At least your polling place is open.
Perhaps some Helena readers can fill us in on whether Helena High School is one, and if they can vote there.
Some of you will have heard by now that 3 teens started a fire, and have been arrested.
Classes are cancelled today and tomorrow.
Gosh, when I went to HHS it really sucked. I didn’t want to burn the place down, however, I just wanted to do what I had to do so I could graduate and get the hell out of there.
As with many Montana stories…where were the parents?
Anyways, let’s get back to politics.
There were very long lines in the Flathead all day today, and one major fuck-up that had people waiting for an hour.
During that time none of them could vote.
- Why is that?
- What is the response of election officials to that?
Are you telling me that we didn’t know there’d be a lot of people voting today?
That’s rubbish.
- Why aren’t there more voter booths for people to use?
- Why can’t people go into the corner, without a booth, and vote there?
I don’t like it, myself, and it’ll only get worse after people get off work.
What’ll happen when it’s 8 PM and some people haven’t voted yet because they’re waiting in line?
Perhaps this isn’t a mistake.
The whole election season seems like a mistake.
Over on the CBS Evening News last night, veteran reporter Bob Schieffer thought the country might be under a curse.
“What should we expect next – that it will rain frogs?” he asked. “I wouldn’t bet against it.”
The report also mentioned that 82% of Americans find this presidential race “disgusting.”
Maybe tonight some people will wonder if they made a mistake for even running.
Lots of people are saying that about Gianforte, mainly hardcore Democrats.
One person that didn’t make a mistake was Denise Juneau.
Win or lose, she’ll be heading to Washington. For those in Missoula, you can see Juneau around 8 PM at the Top Hat, and maybe later at the Union Club.
She’ll be giving her defeat speech, never a fun thing to watch. But we knew that more than a year ago…no matter who the Democratic candidate was going to be.
I’m looking forward to seeing the election map of Montana tomorrow, with all the red in it.
It shouldn’t be a surprise – the map is always like this.
As I talked about earlier this morning, what is it about the Democratic message that is so unappealing to the majority of Montanans?
I wish the Party would talk about that, but for the people at the top…why would they want to?
They continue to benefit, the Party heads and big brass that makes the decisions.
Many will keep their jobs regardless of the monumental losses tonight.
And oh the spin!
It’ll be fun to see how the Democratic Legislative Coordinating Committee tries to tell us that they did a good job.
Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of the primary results this year:
This is how I called the races 10 days ago:
Trump by 4% nationally, 18% in Montana
Gianforte by 1%
Zinke by 12%
Stapleton by 3%
Fox by 16%
Rosendale by 4%
Romano by 1%
Juras by 6%
Some of those 1%’s could be just half a percent.
I mentioned my Trump prediction to an older lady this week and she gave me a funny look.
Hey, if I’m wrong I’ll be the first to admit it.
Make no mistake – this election will be decided by those who vote this evening, after work, and before polls close.
Hillary was up in Pennsylvania around 2 PM this afternoon due to voter exit polls.
Trump was up in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Ohio and North Carolina.
Starting at 4 PM our time, the polls will close Back East. Results will being to come in.
What will the network TV news shows do…and will their reporting dissuade voters in some states from going to the polls?
It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
Stay tuned.