It’s called Dorion’s Dilemma and it comes in at 56,000 words and 229 pages.
You can get the book on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and a few other places.
It’s the direct sequel to Fortin’s Furs, and if you’ll remember, we left our four groups in a tight spot:
The Hunt group of the overland Astoria Expedition is nine members strong and they’re stranded on the Snake River as winter’s setting in.
Crooks and Mackenzie and their five men are a ways away and continuing to press west toward the Pacific Coast.
Robert McClellan is with the Dorions, Pierre and Marie and their two young boys, as well as the Frenchman Giles LeClerc. They’re now moving in a more northerly direction.
Schaefer and Rose and their party of five are coming over the Divide, having learned the truth behind Fortin’s furs and how they got there.
All the while we have Indians closing in.
Lono and what’s left of his band of Iroquois are still in pursuit of Hunt’s party.
We have some new Indian characters, the Cayuse tribe and an angry brave named Tawatti that’s out for vengeance.
And then there’s Astoria, a fort of twenty-one men who'd been left there the previous spring and tasked with building a fort and making a Pacific fur trading empire.
It’s that fort that our characters are trying to get to, and in this book they will.
As you can see, we have seven separate storylines in this book, and that makes it fun.
Instead of focusing on one group for too long, we leave them on a high note and head on over to another group.
It’s alternate Point of View styling and it makes for an edge of your seat experience.
I’d originally planned on ending the book shortly after the men arrive at Fort Astoria and I even started working on the next volume.
Then I realized that the story wasn’t done. I added the new parts from the next volume and now we have two more parts to this book.
That’s why it’s 50 pages longer than the last volume.
I think of this book much as I think of most middle books/movies in a trilogy – lots of action, lots of suspense, and lots of things going bad for our main characters.
Go bad they do, immensely so.
Dorion’s Dilemma is $4.99 – get your copy today.