Seems they give out coats to needy 3- and 4-year-olds each year around winter time.
I read that story while getting my oil changed and a broken tail light fixed.
I’m doing pretty good on money right now so I can do these things.
A lot of people aren’t doing good on money, however.
We know from 2014 Census data that 45 million Americans are living in poverty.
That’s nearly 15% of the country.
You won’t hear any of that on the campaign trail, however. Trump and Hillary are too busy bashing each other to talk about the problems of America.
Anyways…the oil change.
I drive a Toyota Carolla myself. It’d be worth about $800 as a trade-in.
If I wanted to buy a new one in 2017 it’d cost me $18,500.
Of course, I’d never do that as the moment I drove it off the lot it’d be worth $16,465, which I consider to be a bad investment.
Under Trump, however, I’d never even consider buying another Toyota.
The reason is simple – that 2017 car would cost me $24,975.
Because Trump is going to tax car importers at 35% with an import tariff.
- It’s one of the only ways we’ll get companies to move back here.
- It’s one of the only ways Americans will get good jobs again.
CNN tell us that this will cost Ford billions while hurting Americans.
Personally I think Ford’s decision to move all its small cars jobs to Mexico hurts Americans more.
So I like Trump’s way of thinking here.
‘It’s the economy, stupid.’
Jobs, that’s a big issue.
I’ve gone on two job interviews over the past month, and neither of them netted me a job.
One was as an inventory counter, the other was a courthouse records reporter.
Not many hours, pay that’s not livable, and no benefits to speak of – the typical American jobs.
That’s what we have and that’s what we put up with.
We have to force change in this country.
Taxing companies like Ford that steal jobs is a start. Acting on an individual basis is another.
Of course, the easiest way to force change is with our pocketbook, but so few of us care.
I mean, the Gap pays its workers in Myanmar just 83 cents a day…although some workers make as much as $1.23 a day.
Could you live on $37 a month? Probably not.
Most Americans couldn’t, but that doesn’t stop us from shopping at the Gap.
We just don’t care.
We don’t care about people around the world and we don’t really care about our fellow Americans.
But we could.
I choose to give $10 here and $10 there to charity instead of spending it on the products that corporate America wants me to.
A sad side effect of this is that corporations can argue charities for the needy are already getting all they need. Why tax us more, therefore?
I still think dictating change via our spending is the way to go.
Hell, I see Coke is coming out with “Coke Life” now, clearly an attempt to win over buyers that don’t want high-fructose corn syrup made from GMOs (though it still has cancer-causing Stevia in it).
I feel another good place to force change is with Election Day, November 8.
That’s the only day that regular people have as much power as billionaires.
Everyone has one vote and we can use it to say ‘fuck you’ to the establishment and their policies.
I think this Michael Moore video says it best.
I have a Gary Johnson sign in my yard but I’m still thinking of voting for Trump.
I bet millions of Americans are still thinking about voting for him too.
You just don’t know.
You don’t know what’s going to happen on Election Day, where problems will be, where upsets will happen, or where it’ll all end.
Hell, we might not know the winner until December 12, as was the case sixteen years ago.
That doesn’t mean we can’t deliver our big ‘ol ‘fuck you’ to the establishment, the media, the rich, the corporations, the oil companies, and everyone else that we feel has wronged us.
One day, every four years, regular shmucks like us can exercise our power.
It scares the hell out of the elite.
If it didn’t, why would Hillary have raised $616 million for this race?
And what is she going to do with the $550 million she’ll have left over?
After all, she’s only spent about $61 million so far.
I think she’ll use it to profit herself and her cronies, and a lot of America thinks that as well.
Hell, nearly half the country is planning on voting for Trump – lots of people know that America is not working.
Come the day after Election Day, however, will anything change?
- With Hillary, no.
- With Trump, maybe.
That’s why I’m still thinking of voting for Trump – we could have change as opposed to just more of the same.
The elite and the establishment love more of the same.
Never forget for one second that it was supposed to be Jeb Bush vs. Hillary right now.
My how that plan went haywire!
It’s alright, though, as a new plan is in place.
We can already see it shaping up, what with the FBI re-opening its investigation into the Clinton email scandal.
Even if she does win the GOP will control Congress and they’ll have one investigation after another.
The truth will come out, she’ll be charged, and we’ll have another Watergate on our hands.
Hillary, and the country, will be lucky if her health gives out because of this and she dies in office, sparing us all another long national nightmare.
Then Jeb can come riding in on his white horse in time for 2020, ‘saving’ America and keeping it secure for the 1% and global elite. More poverty, more wars...but oh - the profits!
Or regular people like you and I could go to the polls on Election Day and cast our ‘fuck you’ vote so that doesn’t happen.
It’s up to you, but please…don’t forget how much power you have.
You can choose to not vote, or even burn your ballot, but I feel the elite is fine with that – half the country does it anyways.
No, it’s the other half - the half that still halfway gives a damn - that the elite has to watch out for.
I’ve no doubt that the elite that control our government and fund our politicians will do everything in their power to ensure Hillary wins.
Rigged voting machines or just broken ones – which we see happening in Sanders County right now – the elite and their corporations will do whatever it takes.
Alright, let me give you my election night predictions.
These are the people I see winning and by how much:
- Trump by 4% nationally, 18% in Montana
- Gianforte by 1%
- Zinke by 12%
- Stapleton by 3%
- Fox by 16%
- Rosendale by 4%
- Romano by 1%
- Juras by 6%
Some of those 1%’s could be just half a percent.
Anyways, that’s how I see it unfolding.
I’ll be sure to compare this with the actual results as they come in late on election night.
I might put up a post or two this weekend, but all next week I’m going to try to stay away from political discourse.
The keyword there is ‘try.’
Anyways, I’ll have some stuff up about Montana history or writing or paranormal stuff, maybe even some ‘conspiracy.’
So keep stopping by – there’s always something to read.