Dear Greg,
I want to congratulate you on drawing the best Democratic gubernatorial opponent you could hope for.
Yep, I’m talking about Whitney Williams.
Greg, I never had a doubt that you’d win the gubernatorial race next year, but now I know you’ll win in a landslide.
Let’s be honest - there’s no way Whitney Williams is going to lose in next June’s primary.
You and I both know that the Democratic Party - both here in Montana and nationally - is controlled by identity politics.
Greg, you know you could never get a Democratic nod (as if you’d want one), and the reason is simple - you’re a white man.
Democrats want nothing to do with white men.
Now...if you’re a woman, or a minority, or gay, or perhaps even confused about what pronoun applies to you...then the Dems will fall all over themselves to cater to your every whim and desire.
And that’s why Whitney Williams will win the gubernatorial primary next year, and that’s why she’ll be your opponent for 5 months starting next June.
Gosh darn, are lucky!
Imagine if you’d actually had a serious opponent, one that focuses on the money in people’s pockets...or lack thereof.
You’d actually have a challenge, then.
But with Whitney Williams you’ll have a cakewalk!
You and I both know she’ll focus on identity politics issues. I imagine this’ll consist of climate change, equal pay for equal work, access to public lands, and of course healthcare.
Yep, same ol’ tired talking points from the same ol’ tired playbook.
I don’t have to remind you, Greg, that Bullock won with just 50.2% of the vote back in ‘16.
You and Aaron were up past midnight that night, watching the results come in until they stopped counting and you had to go to bed.
You’ll be going to bed a lot earlier next November, I’m sure of it.
Not only is Whitney Williams a carpetbagger from out-of-state, but no one knows who she is, and hardly anyone remembers her father (who quit, by the way).
On top of that, she has no elected accomplishments to run on.
The only reason you lost last time was because you were going against an incumbent. You don’t have to worry about that again, and I suspect you’ll be serving as governor until January 2029.
I had suspicions that Whitney Williams would get into the race after we learned she was doing phone polls to gauge if there was any interest in her running.
I don’t think there was any interest, but Whitney Williams won’t let something like her ego get in the way.
Greg, we both know what ego stands for - edging God out.
Democrats hate God, and they hate that you believe in Him and live your life in a Christian manner. They hate you for your faith.
I have faith in you, Greg.
2020 is yours. Oh, what a gift you were given today!