They get this from a site called Predict Wise, which is run by a member of the Rothschild family, David Rothschild.
You’ll remember that I covered that dark family’s history extensively last year, something that earned me the label of anti-semitic from both Cowturd and ID.
I went ahead and looked at some other races using the Rothschild site, and my oh my, will you look at that…Denise Juneau has a 2% chance of being elected.
Why was that not mentioned on Cowturd today, do you think?
Well, we could ponder that until the cows come home but I’m not sure what good it’d do.
Personally, I find taking political advice from a site whose owner has a net worth of $10 billion to be silly. Democrats love rich people, though, they love them more than anything.
After mentioning Bullock’s stellar chances via the Rothschild banking family, Cowturd goes on to mention a new anti-Gianforte campaign ad.
“That advertisement will almost certainly drive down Gianforte’s numbers,” Cowturd tells us.
I have a question – why are Gianforte’s numbers so high?
I mean, Bullock is doing a super job as governor and Montana has never been doing better, right?
So…why is Gianforte doing so well then?
We’re not told that, we’re just told that “the ad is as nasty as they get, but effective to the point of being almost fatal.”
So the ad will nearly do Gianforte in. My, that’s powerful.
“There’s little that Gianforte can do about it,” Cowturd then rejoices, “and he doesn’t seem up to the task of finding a clever way to combat the attack.”
My, they are full of themselves over there at Dem headquarters, aren’t they?
We’re told Gianforte aired two ads of his own quickly after those allegations, to show that he’s in touch with Montana.
One of them, a radio ad in a fishing store, I thought was quite good and the folks at Campaign Beat did as well.
Cowturd speculates that Gianforte is in “response mode” because of the ads.
Following this Cowturd tells us that “Gianforte hasn’t laid a hand on Bullock” and that the GOP is “hopelessly malfunctioning.”
I dunno – I don’t see the GOP running around trying to replace a senate candidate like Dems were doing in August 2014 after the disastrous pick of Bullock went down in academic schoolboy shame.
Cowturd tells us that the GOP state chair, Jeff Essman, went on TV last week and “during the entire hour he couldn’t come up with a single way to criticize Bullock.”
Thank goodness Dems made Nancy Keenan sit on the sidelines after her disastrous TV appearance a week ago.
Here are some images I made up of her performance.
Nancy Keenan is an idiot.
Also, I think Jeff Essman is a complete fuck-head that ruins Montana.
He’s responsible for the massive medical marijuana boondoggle that destroyed hundreds of jobs and ruined a profitable industry.
Because of that fuck-head's actions, hundreds of people had to go out and collect signatures to redo what voters had originally wanted, but which his Puritan sensibilities and propensity to have you live under his distorted worldview couldn’t accept.
Jeff Essman – a true piece of shit.
Finally toward the end of Cowturd’s article we’re told that Gianforte’s staff is “obsessed with things that voters don’t care about, like how much a governor uses the state plane to get outside of Helena.”
The last swing that Cowturd gives is to tell us that Gianforte’s staff “spend most of their time on Twitter, a symptom of a fishbowl mentality, the fishbowl being Helena.”
I’m not sure what that last part means exactly. I guess it was supposed to be pithy.
Personally, I see a lot more paid Democrats on Twitter each day, and that when many of them should be doing the work they’re actually paid to do.
What are they paid to do?
Or is sending out tweets it?
Anyways, you know how I feel about it all.
I won’t be voting for Bullock because I firmly believe he started having an affair with his Department of Commerce director, Meg O’Leary, way back in 2014 if not earlier.
That’s why there was renewed interest in Bullock’s airplane – he’d used it to go to the Paul McCartney concert that year.
Bullock’s staff had to make up a bunch of things that Bullock did on official business when that story came out.
And please, remember that the only reason that story came out at all this month was because of the phone call I got from a woman that told me Bullock had flown to the concert.
I was also told Bullock took Meg O’Leary with him, and if we keep pushing, that info will come out.
I’ve been saying for months that the GOP PACs will sink Bullock just as they sunk Walsh – during the slow month of August.
I really do believe that the people fired over the governor’s affair were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements so they wouldn’t talk, perhaps so they could continue to get paid for the rest of the year.
Who knows?
Well, we talked about that in the comments of my last weekend post – tons of people on the governor’s staff will know and quite a few at Commerce.
But will they talk?
Of course not!
Why would they? First of all, you have to ask them questions. You’ll remember how good they are at stonewalling, however, as my calls in March to various agencies proved.
Anyways, fuck it – I don’t really care.
Bullock…Gianforte…even that Libertarian running – none of them are going to do anything to change my life at all.
It’s the same with Hillary and Trump – no matter who gets in, we’ll be going to war and the lives of common people will get worse.
But Bullock’s at 80%, so rejoice.
Go out to dinner tonight, buy yourself a gift, maybe even have sex (with your spouse).
Hey, Bullock’s at 80% - can’t you feel your life getting better already?