Today I’m going to show you 9 images from state reports and Bing’s collected info from the CDC, WHO, and others.
But before we do that, let’s get into a little bit of what local officials, hospital executives, and the media are saying.
The Missoulian told us that we broke our covid hospitalization record this week, with 46 covid patients in the two hospitals here.
When the DPHHS report came out on Monday, that was 40 patients.
At the same time, those two hospitals had 191 non-covid patients and 134 beds available, as you can see:
Here’s an image of the overall hospital situation in the state. As you can see, there are 2,772 total hospital beds in the state. Of those, 57% are filled with non-covid patients, 29% are open, and 13% are filled with covid patients.
Below that is a map of where hospitals are most full. Missoula is at 68%.
We hear a lot about ICU’s and ventilators and we assume these are filled with covid patients. The reality is far different. As you can see from the DPHHS reports, most hospitals have far more non-covid patients here than covid patients. At one Missoula hospital, it’s nearly 3 times as many.
“Local hospitals say they are overwhelmed with unvaccinated patients,” the Missoulian tells us.
I have to ask...are these unvaccinated patients the same that are in with covid, or are many of them in for other reasons? Because it’s 191 vs. 46, when it comes to non-covid vs. covid patients. That’s three times the number.
Next we’re told that 37.7% of the covid patients in the hospital are between the ages of 20 and 39. That means 62.3% of covid patients are 40 or older.
This comes to 17 young covid patients vs. 29 older covid patients.
Over at KPAX, they tell us that 56 staff at one of our hospitals are out sick with covid, or on quarantine due to close contact.
As a quick long are we going to do this quarantine nonsense while people feel fine? Seems to me this policy is causing greater problems for the hospitals than their covid patients. It’s 56 staff out vs. 46 covid patients.
That media outlet also complains that the virus is spreading in Missoula, despite the city/county having a 64% vaccination rate, the highest in the state.
I guess the vaccines don’t work that well. But saying that might cost Big Pharma (and the media outlets they pay) money, so we blame the unvaccinated, which our media encourages and rewards. Discrimination, legal and sanctioned and accepted, and at the highest levels of society and government.
It’s not until you begin digging into actual reports that you see things aren’t as bad as Big Pharma’s paid mouthpieces make it out to be.
Here’s the data from Bing for Montana for cases, deaths and vaccinations rates:
All way down.
Cases plummeted 10 days ago, though that’s likely just lackluster reporting on someone’s part.
We haven’t had a death in a week or so.
No one’s gotten vaccinated in over a week.
Here’s some info from the DPHHS:
Looks like hospitalizations continue to trend up, while cases rose a bit, plateaued, and now seem to be falling again.
Finally, here’s the demographics page from the DPHHS report. It confirms what we learned earlier this week from Bill Mahar’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel.
He said that 70% of Democrats think covid hospitalization numbers are way higher than they actually are.
This comes from an old poll this past spring. It said that people assume that others are going to the hospital for covid 10 times greater than they actually are.
41% of Democrats think that over half those that get covid have to go to the hospital, compared to the 26% of Republicans that think so.
The actual number is 1% to 5%.
Just 18% of Americans correctly said that number. I guess they don’t read the government reports, because it says it quite clearly, as you can see for Montana:
Total ever hospitalized in Montana? About 7,000 people, or 5%. That’s out of 138,000 cases.
Currently, Montana has 355 people in the hospital for covid, or less than 1% of current cases.
92% of Montanans that have had covid since this all started have recovered from it. Another 6% are still recovering, 1% are in the hospital, and 1% have died.
It’s not as scary as it’s made out to be, now is it?
That makes me wonder...why do they want us to be afraid? What is the real agenda here? Why the sudden need to get so many vaccinated so quickly?
What's really going on here?