My apologies.
I made it about 4 days without posting.
Tried to go a month, made it 4 days.
During those days, I did my best to not look at the news.
It was hard, but I did cut-back a lot on my daily intake.
Now I’m looking at it again. Trying to make up for lost time. My, it’s bad.
If you’re tired of our corporate overlords telling you how to think and feel and act, then I suggest some alternate sources.
Check out Dissident Voice, Signs of the Times, and Zero Hedge. You’ll find different perspectives there, and I think we need those perspectives now more than ever.
Please visit RD here in Montana. I think this is the only site that really gets it right now. I wish Flathead Memo would post more. I’m not sure why James is not. His health was deteriorating before this wave of fear took hold, so I imagine he’s laying low and feeling scared.
I wish there were more active sites worth reading. I went through James’ sidebar links the other day, but most just point to dead sites.
People want to read!
Here in Missoula, the weather has not been cooperating.
For several days we had snowy conditions, which makes it hard to go out with your kids to ride a bike or take a walk or...just do something out of the house.
The daily tennis matches continue. Missoula hasn’t shut down the tennis or basketball courts yet, thank God.
My son’s getting pretty good. It’s about the only strenuous exercise I get each day now.
When are these Montana unemployment checks going to come?
I filed on March 19, which is now 17 days ago.
I had money saved up, so it’s no big deal...but what about all those people that just had the money in their pocket and whatever change they could scrounge from the couch?
How are they doing right now?
Probably not too good. We know there’s been looting, and New York has boarded up in expectation of this.
I suspect many of our service industry workers here in Missoula are doing very badly right now. Facebook probably has most of their stories, if local reporters wanted to actually do a story on this, which they don’t.
Missoula County put a $50,000 fund together to help renters, and it was gone in less than a day.
Band-Aids aren’t going to help in this situation, but that’s all local leaders can come up with. They had few ideas before this crisis, and their lack of ideas now is showing.
I suspect our three county commissioners will scurry back to the private sector when this is done, choosing not to run for reelection again.
Let’s hope so.
I was working on a post a couple days ago about the MT Dem finances, but I quickly realized...who gives a shit?
This is a big problem for those with primary opponents here in Montana - no one cares about elections right now.
There’s gonna be a lot of sore losers in June, lots of sour grapes. At least they can blame their losses on the virus and not their own incompetence. This means very few will learn anything this cycle, and they’ll probably be back to pester us again.
Anyways, the Dems took in $161,000 in February and spent $152,000. They now have $117,000 cash on hand.
That’s as far as I got before losing interest.
Several people were on staff in February, and I suspect they still are. Remember, the Party unionized a few months ago. Staff will be kept. I was quite surprised to see that the new woman in charge is making about $1,500 less each month than the old woman in charge.
I wonder why that happened.
I was hoping to go on a hike today, but now I see the weather is turning bad again.
Damn it.
We’re in for another long week, and many more after that.
Just another two weeks....just another two weeks.
When will it end?