Wow, 15 novels that are 200 pages or more.
That’s pretty good…I think.
I think this latest book is pretty good too.
I think you’ll agree.
So what’s it about?
Well, it’s about mountain man John Colter, the same guy we’ve been following for 4 books now.
You’ll remember that we started off with him in August 1806, just as he was leaving the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
That was Book 1, Colter’s Winter.
After that we explored Yellowstone in Book 2, saw Colter run naked from the Blackfeet in Book 3, and then watched the businessmen of St. Louis send a ton of men upriver in Book 4.
That took us up to the fall and early winter of 1809. That’s where we start Colter’s Revenge.
The place we start is the Three Forks of the Missouri, and the fort that Andrew Henry built there:
As you can see, I have a map of the area for you. I think that’s helpful when you’re reading.
I like this map because it’s in such a small area, just a few miles. That means there’s lots of action.
Oh boy, the action!
Lots of people get killed in this book. In fact, I’d been looking forward to writing this book ever since I was on Book 2.
I knew it’d be bloody, I knew it’s be action-packed, and I knew you’d like it.
Seeing the film The Revenant helped, but I knew much of that history already. It did make me realize, however, that people want to see that kind of action, and in those kinds of snowy environments.
That’s what you get in Colter’s Revenge.
The book is on sale on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and a few other retailers. Get your copy today.