It’s called Colter’s Friend and it’s the 4th volume of my Mountain Man series.
I wrote a lot about it in posts called What is Colter’s Friend? (Oct 21) and Colter’s Friend is Done (Nov 20).
That last post has quite a few images and maps of the places I write about.
I’ll add in a few more, then link to it from the book page on Amazon.
I figure readers will like that. It’s always nice getting a look at the places you’re reading about.
Lots of people have been reading about Montana because of these novels. This new one is the longest, as you can see:
- Colter’s Winter: 43,000 words
- Colter’s Hell: 53,000 words
- Colter’s Run: 60,000 words
- Colter’s Friend: 74,000 words
Right now I’d have to say Colter’s Friend is my favorite.
It’s the longest book so far, and the most detailed. There are lots of dollar amounts for actual fur takes, quite a lot on actual Indian numbers, and tons of distances.
Yeah, we spend a lot of time going upriver in this book, or at least talking about it.
I view this as a ‘building’ book, one that’s building the plot up for the final two books of the series.
It’s setting up the action, creating the conditions necessary for John Colter to get savage on us.
That’s right – the next book, “Colter’s Revenge,” is going to be a serious bloodbath in the winter snows of Montana.
I’ve been eager to write it and have started a bit already. Now I’ll get going full-steam.
These books are going to be popular for a long time and I’m going to make a lot of money from them.
More, lots of people will become interested in Montana because of these books. Quite a few might even travel here, checking out the places they read about.
That’s pretty awesome.
Why not see what I’m talking about? If you haven’t started the journey with Colter yet, the best place to start is with the box set of the first three books.
It’s $9.99 on Amazon and that’s quite a deal.
Colter’s Friend will cost you $4.99 (those on my email list got it for $0.99 yesterday).
I always put new books out for $4.99. The good news is that when the next volume comes out I knock a dollar off.
That’s why Colter’s Run is now $3.99.
Well, enough of my yappin’. Check these books out and get a thrilling ride through Montana’s early history.