I hate to ask this question, mainly because Democrats are a spiteful bunch and they’ll probably try to prove me wrong by, yes, doing something even stupider than what they did today.
What is it that Montana Democrats did that was so stupid?
They once again hopped on the LGBT bandwagon, thinking every other person in the state wanted to jump on too.
- Hey, gay marriage is legal…we get it.
- We understand that gay people can buy cake wherever the hell they want.
- We even know that gay people can run for office and get elected and just have a gay ol’ time doin' it.
That doesn’t mean the rest of us care.
Oh, and when I say the rest of us, I mean the 96% of Montanans that aren’t gay.
Sure, a huge portion of that 96% does accept the LGBT lifestyle and wants them to have just as many rights and opportunities as the rest of us.
But gosh darn, that doesn’t mean all of them do.
That’s why I was a bit taken aback today to see that Tammy Baldwin will be headlining the Mansfield-Metcalf Dinner in Helena on March 19.
Are you kidding me – a Wisconsin Senator that’s openly gay?
Sometime I think the Democrats deserve to lose, so stupid are they.
Many times I wake up at 5 in the morning and toss and turn a bit.
I do a lot of thinking, quite a bit of it on politics.
I was actually thinking of the Mansfield-Metcalf Dinner this morning, thinking I’d probably skip it this year.
I went last year and just didn’t really have that good of a time.
I’m glad I decided to skip it this year, though, as it’s just another example of how wildly out of touch the Montana Democratic Party brass is with the regular, hardworking people they claim to represent.
Is the entire Montana Democratic Party gay…or just the idiots in charge?
My God – what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Montana is not gay. America is not gay. In fact, just 6% of Americans identify as gay.
- Let’s go ahead and double that to 12%.
- Hell, let’s triple it to 18%.
- We can even quadruple it to 24% if you’d like.
Wikipedia, however, tells us that just 3.4% of Americans call themselves LGBT.
Gallup tells us that LGBT folks make up 3.8% of the country.
Both mention that Americans are under the impression that 23% of their fellow citizens are gay, however.
Where are they getting this idea? Well, probably from the corporate media.
The media can say what it likes, but gay people will still be a minority in the country and in the state. Aside from that, LBGT issues will still appeal to a minority of the country and of the state.
Montana Democrats either don’t realize this, or worse, they don’t care.
I think it’s the latter, myself.
Yesterday someone named “Eric” left a very insightful comment on Reptile Dysfunction and I encourage you to read the whole thing.
“Take a look at all the females who have ran for the US Senate or US House of Representatives. In each and every case the Montana Dems have sat on their wallets. In this election cycle you will be able to look at Denise Juneau as the next one the Dems do not support. Oh, they will give her lip service, but not real money and support, not Tester & Baucus kind of money.”
There was another great comment on the Butte Standard yesterday on an article called “Dems’ planning for 2017 starts with one word: ‘Infrastructre.’
Personally, I find that headline to be a laugh-out-loud joke.
If infrastructure was so important to them, why’d they veto it in 2013 and why’d they go all out on bonding in 2015?
Because infrastructure isn’t really important to Dems. That’s fine, as they won’t have a chamber of the legislature to do anything with anyways.
I don’t think they’ll have the governor’s office either, and you know why I think that.
But let’s get back to that comment:
“The democrat platform is what dreams are made of. What they won’t tell you is that dreams don’t come true. Your dream becomes someone else’s nightmare. The democrats have created the great lie and people who are hurting and desperate will fall for it every time.”
Democrats are creating nightmares for hardworking Montana families.
They’re doing this because they continually harp-on and push tired, boring, and downright inconsequential issues that don’t affect the majority of the state.
Remember, 96% of us are straight – we don’t give a shit about pushing LGBT rights all the time
What do we care about?
- Having jobs that pay a living wage;
- Having jobs that give a few benefits;
- Going to college for 4 years and not having to pay for it for the next 20;
- Having jobs that pay a living wage;
- Having our kids not move out of the state so they can find work;
- Not having to see our grandkids a couple times a year because they’re living out of state;
- Healthcare that’s affordable for all Montanans, not just those living in poverty;
- Having jobs that pay a living wage.
Those are a few things that I’d say the majority of the state cares about.
Did I mention having jobs that pay a living wage?
Democrats don’t seem to mention that. In that Butte Standard article on Saturday, I didn’t see a single mention of jobs.
C’mon – let’s not act all surprised. We know that Democrats rely on poor, disadvantaged, and minority groups to get into office.
If we actually had higher paying jobs, two of the Montana Democrats’ largest support groups would melt away.
We can’t have that, now can we?
Well…you and I can…but these people can’t.
I hope we can get rid of those people, the sooner the better.
Montana Democrats might be able to win again.
Montanans might be able to win again.
As it is now, Montana Democrats don’t really care about Montanans, however.
They mainly care about small minority groups that they can use to continually bash, browbeat, discredit, and ridicule their opponents with.
Is it any wonder Democrats are a minority in this state?
Is it any wonder they can’t win?