The problem is his hypocrisy.
He raises dark money for himself and for other governors even though he said he wouldn’t.
I’m not voting for Steve Bullock and I’ll spend the next year convincing you not to vote for him either.
It’ll be pretty easy today – Bullock never defends himself.
He can’t – how do you defend yourself when you won’t give interviews, you won’t do campaign events, and you’re always in private homes for $50 suggested donation dark money events?
Bullock has no plans to defend himself.
Right now he doesn’t have to. While it’s true that Mike Dennison might do a detailed report on MTN about Bullock’s dark campaign contributions, the governor can just ignore him.
Keep hitting him, keep hitting him.
You might remember that site getting shut down back in June. One more post went up and then I see today that 2 more posts have gone up in September.
What the hell happened?
I have no idea who Jay Stevens is and that goes for Montana as well, but gosh darn, something that the current/former writers were doing there really pissed that guy off.
You see, Stevens started that sight back in 2006 or so. I guess at some point he moved Back East and got involved in some dark money Democratic efforts. The Tester camp saw this and said, ‘gosh, we can finally have that thorn in our side removed.’
So they had Stevens shut the site down. Like I said, I have no idea who that person is nor do I really care, though I suspect some research on who’s paying his bills would tell you a lot.
Since then the site has been dormant. Well, go back and look at the last two months of posts and figure out what it was you did right.
Obviously you hit the Democrats where it hurt. Keep doing it.
MT Cowturd totally ignores the Bullock dark money raising. To focus on it might distract from gay rights, flags, fountains, or some other minority issue that impresses the few while turning off the many.
Because Bullock and his corporate Democrats turn off so many voters they have to raise so much dark money.
Almost every weekend Bullock is out there.
God, they’re scared, aren’t they? You can smell the fear coming off them.
Well, what did you expect? What has Bullock done for you or your family?
I can’t name a single thing, myself. He acted like he wanted to do some times, but his leadership style proved wholly ineffective in that regard.
- Bullock tried to shackle my son with $67 million in debt when we had cash to pay for infrastructure;
- Bullock chose the incompetent John Walsh as both his running mate and his pick for Senator;
- Bullock had some kind of shady forestry deal that sought no input from Montanans before selling off a lot of land.
I still remember my mom telling me how she took down the Bullock ’12 poster from her yard after he abandoned Barry Beach.
Steve Bullock will bend anyway he needs to in order to get elected. He’s a loser, and Montana can’t afford more losers in Helena – half the legislature's full of ‘em already.
So it’s back to the dark money table.
Just keep hitting Democrats over this. Sow those seeds. Create that doubt.
Steve Bullock isn’t going to get his second term.
That should be obvious from his actions.