There are two kinds of people invading Montana from California and the other blue states like Washington, Oregon and Colorado: those having seen what liberal ideologies do to a place and fleeing that disaster, and those fleeing the disaster without making the connection to what caused it — bringing with them the same horrid policies that caused the disaster they are escaping.
Having spent too many years of my adult life in California, it is devastating to see the same liberal ideologies starting to take hold here in Montana now — the creeping welfare state, the divisive racism that masquerades as anti-racism, the sowing of “class envy” (venomous hatred of anyone more financially successful than you are), teaching our children to hate America and even themselves, the use of environmentalism by big money, foreign money and global government interests — it all happened in California first, and now it’s coming here.
If that’s what you want, vote Democrat. If you want to stop the insanity that’s taking over the rest of our country from taking over Montana, vote Republican — especially for governor — for our children’s future. If we lose freedom here, there is no place else to go.
Cindi Hamilton,
Repeat Offenders
On April 9, 24-year-old transient Antonio Moreno went into the Missoula Fresh Market supermarket, put a bottle of wine in his jacket, held another in his hand, and tried to walk out of the store.
At the time, he wanted to “steal some alcohol for his friends and that he believed employees would not be able to stop him from doing so.”
Well, he was wrong.
One employee did try to stop him, and Moreno proceeded to grab “him by the throat and shoved him back in an attempted to get out of the store,” leaving red marks on his throat.
The employee held transient down until police arrived, whereupon they arrested him and charged him with robbery, but not assault.
And that’s the last we heard of Mr. Moreno...until yesterday.
Seems he’s still in town, but just not in the jail anymore.
Instead he’s hanging around the homeless shelter smoking meth with his friends. When someone told them to stop, Moreno pulled out a butcher knife and threatened the person, saying, “What are you going to do about it?”
The person called the cops.
Moreno was arrested again, this time charged with felony assault with a weapon.
Doesn’t look nearly as repentant as he did in April, now does he?
Know why?
Because he’s figured out how the Missoula justice system works, and how he can play that system like a fiddle.
The Idiot, the Bomb
Trump finally blew-up on Anthony Fauci.
It’s about time.
I was talking to someone a couple weeks ago, telling that once the election if over, Trump’s going to fire Fauci.
I think that’ll happen whether he wins or loses. And I’m happy for this - 40 years in government is enough for anyone.
It’s not about getting to retirement at that point - it’s just about power.
When historians look back on these days, I’m confident most will agree that Fauci caused much more harm than good.
Many today disagree with that.
Give it time.
The Experts Speak
Four leading infectious disease experts in Canada wrote an op-ed piece yesterday that got attention around the world.
Here are some short excerpts:
“We have watched young children be denied free play in parks and community centres, socialization, and education — and with these losses, much-needed access to social services for the most vulnerable.
Even now, with schools reopened, many schools are not providing the full-time service that our young people deserve and need in order to thrive. Some return-to-school plans include as little as 105 minutes per day of in-person learning. This limited time is not only inadequate to meet curricular milestones and prepare students for the rigours of university, it also leaves them isolated for hours every day and deprives them of the socialization they need to develop into healthy adults.
While COVID-19 does not pose a significant health threat to children and youth, our response does. Suicides claim the lives of close to 4,000 young Canadians per year. In June 2020, more young Canadians died in one month alone from opioid overdoses than in the entire province of B.C. from COVID-19.
But those deaths are not being announced on a daily basis on social media. Increased distress associated with loss of social structure and educational opportunity is predicted to substantially increase this number.
Even a one per cent increase in suicide would mean 40 more deaths in young people, which is four times more than COVID has claimed. This doesn't include the increase in drownings, deaths due to inability to access medical care, or other unintended consequences. We are also forgetting the enormous economic impact reduced education and increased public debt will impose on our youth.
Yet we have demonized young people who wish to socialize. Those who are caught are paraded out on the media for group shaming, or receive hefty fines. We have ensured that the common places that young people would be able to meet are unavailable — schools, universities and athletic venues — especially for those who cannot afford private lessons or clubs.
Outdoor places are closed if the young are seen congregating too much, even though these are the places least likely to be associated with disease spread. The costs of restriction are higher, and will last longer, for this group. If anxiety and depression was high already, increased isolation, lack of supports and economic distress will increase it further.”
Sadly, there's a very good chance my son will kill himself in the years ahead, all because of what we're putting him through now. I am extremely confident several of his future middle school and high school classmates will attempt suicide, and some will succeed.
This is what we've become; this is who we are now.
If you’re a Republican, you probably agree with these doctors. If you’re a Democrat, you probably don’t.
Science and expertise have nothing to do with it anymore. I don’t think they ever did.
High Turnout? Don’t Count on It
Less than a week after ballots had gone out, Missoula County reported that 24% had been returned.
Now many are expecting a record turnout year.
I’m not.
I suspect we’ll have turnout about the same as we do most years - around 55-60%.
Young people aren’t going to vote, the same as always. Why would they? What is there to get excited about...two old fucks yelling at each other? I can see that during any holiday at the relatives’.
Even though the primary this year was all mail-in, 40% of people didn’t even bother to return their ballot.
I think those numbers will hold, and that we’ll have about 60% turnout.
October Surprise
Smoking crack...child porn...hundreds of questionable emails?
My oh my...Is the Hunter Biden email scandal the October surprise of this cycle?
Sure don’t look good, I’ll tell you that.
The Hunter Biden the media doesn’t want you to see... dude really k.o. With a crack pipe in his mouth □
— Marvin Yé (@Headoverclouds_) October 14, 2020
The clock is ticking, and I’m not sure the Dems really have anything else to throw at the wall.
At the same time, I don’t think AG Bill Barr is going to pursue this Hunter Biden email mess, nor do I think the FBI director will.
Trump needs to get rid of both men after the election. I’m 100% confident that FBI Director Wray will be shown the door sometime in late-November or early-December.
The Taxes Blues
Wanna move to a blue state on the coast?
How much are you willing to pay for that pleasure?
No, I’m not talking about housing or transportation or even the cost of food. I’m talking about taxes.
Here are the new proposed tax rates for some of the major metro areas of this country (state and federal combined):
- California: 62.6%
- New York City: 62%
- New York State: 60%
- New Jersey: 60%
Now, this new top tax rate will only hit the top 1% of earners.
But c’mon...who do you think makes most of the jobs, buys all the big-ticket items, does most of the expensive travel?
Sure ain’t the bottom 1%, or even the bottom 50%.
Rich people are already leaving the aforementioned areas in droves, and these new tax rates that Biden is proposing will have them fleeing even more.
Where will they go?
Probably to some of the lowest tax rate states (average of state and local combined):
- Alaska: 1.7%
- Wyoming: 5.3%
- Pennsylvania: 6.3%
- North Carolina: 6.9%
- Texas: 8.1%
- Arizona: 8.3%
- Alabama: 9.1%
- Arkansas: 9.4%
My how times change!
We forget that heavily blue areas were once red, and vice versa.
California had a string of GOP governors after WWII. In fact, since that conflict, Dems have only held the state’s top office for 28 of the last 77 years.
Ravalli County was heavily Democrat just a hundred years ago. Who knows, with the influx of transplants...maybe it will be again.
Most of Missoula’s local offices were held by the GOP until the environmental movement destroyed most of the town’s industry in the 1980s. That’s when Dems took over, with their promises of handouts where once you got a paycheck.
Nearly 40 years of that, and our income inequality rate has become so bad that most young people today will be worse off than their parents.
But people can’t connect those dots.
That woman that wrote the letter to the Missoulian today is scared, not so much of the new people that are coming here, but the values that they bring...or lack thereof.