Well gosh darn, I was hoping to tell you about that memo today…but I guess it won’t be released until…later.
Dems are very scared of that memo.
The GOP is not.
But that’s not quite accurate: the deep state is scared.
You and I could give a shit. Meddling…corruption…it don’t matter much to us.
Either way, we’ve got to get up and go to our 9-to-5 each day, no matter what those clowns in the District of Criminals are doing.
Update: The memo is now out, and here’s the PDF.
It tells us that “on October 21, 2016, DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA warrant …authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page…a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign.”
We’re also told that “The ‘dossier’ compiled by Christopher Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application.”
“…the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.”
“…Steele said he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”
Steele “maintained contact with DOJ via then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr.”
“…Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump.”
And now get ready for the shit storm.
In Brief
UM’s soccer coach quit because the university found out he was calling Las Vegas escort services using his work phone. Hey…at least he’s not like most Montana teachers in the news – having sex with students.
The East Missoula manhunt guy wanted to “die by cop” earlier this week. I wish we had fewer cowards in this country, fewer people that want others to do the job they should be doing themselves.
Yesterday in Texas, a guy was put to death for killing his two daughters while making his wife listen on the phone. My only questions are…why’d it take 17 years to kill this guy, and why’d Texas taxpayers have to pay $315,000 to house him that long?
I loved this Tweet from Josh Manning, a hardcore Dem (do you think he’ll actually vote against Tester?):
“Chain migration” is an a term the alt right has weaponized @SenatorTester and shouldn’t get repeated. Also saying you support paying for that stupid fucking wall hurts. A lot. #mtpol #mtsen https://t.co/OIlPEX9YyI
— (((Josh Manning))) (@joshuamanning23) January 31, 2018
Nancy Pelosi actually called the $1,000 tax bonuses for American workers “crumbs.” The GOP is already mounting ad campaigns based on this statement, and it might be enough to unseat the 7-term San Franciscan.
Missoula’s roads are so bad, its air is so dirty, and the local government is so broke that it can’t fix any of this, so it wants working families to either give up one of their cars, or at least drive less.
Lefties are up in arms this week because they can’t do enough abortions in Montana. Please remember, just 0.6% of people get an abortion in America each year. That means 99.4% of Americans are responsible enough to never need an abortion.
It seems that Democrats won’t negotiate with Trump on DACA, and this with the government set to close in a week. Maybe a shutdown will work for them this time…I dunno.
A Train Wreck
Let’s talk about that GOP train wreck.
I’m hearing that maybe the signal lights to block traffic weren’t working. Well…doesn’t Congress regulate that? Where were they, or the agency they assign to oversee this?
Why are tons of GOPers going to a retreat in the middle of the work week?
Are the GOPers being paid taxpayer money to attend this posh retreat?
If keeping the government open was so important…why are GOPers not in the District of Criminals, but instead gallivanting off to resort hotels?
I agree with the GOP on a lot of things. It’s just that the GOPers at the national level are so fucking stupid that you have to question the intelligence of GOPers at all levels.
In the Sand
Diane Sands is done.
There’s no way she’s going to beat the UM football player that’s running against her for SD 49.
Remember, she beat the GOPer in 2014 by 35 votes, and that after a recount…which she paid for.
You might recall all the junk mailers she sent out that year as well. She spent $40,000 to ‘win’ that seat.
Personally, I can’t recall what Diane has done over the past 4 years while serving in that seat.
I just don’t see any way she’s going to pull this off. Maybe her years working as a lobbyist will give her the fundraising capability, but I don’t see much more than that.
A running back vs. a lesbian lobbyist.
I know Missoula is a progressive town – the Berkeley of the North – but it’s a football town, too.
If Chase is smart and gets people behind him that know how to run a Missoula campaign, he’ll win this with yards to spare.
Keep on Postin’
I know futility when I see it. It’s called Twitter.
Democrats hate money in politics unless their guy is the one raising it. This is the definition of hypocrisy.
I have to say…I get people emailing me saying that Fagg will win the GOP primary.
That’s probably true – he has the family connections. California Troy is too out-of-state to win, while Maryland Matt is too safe in his Auditor office to really give a damn.
But anything could happen.
Anyway that it does happen, however…there ain’t no way Tester is losing.
- California Troy raises $2 million, Tester will raise $4 million.
- Maryland Matt raises $6 million, Tester will raise $12 million.
Tester has all of his District of Criminals cronies to give him money so he’ll keep voting in their interests.
We know this because we’ve looked into his fundraising and his votes on this site. We have been for years.
It’s why we know that VA wait times in Missoula are 46 days today, while in 2015 they were 46 days.
Nothing ever changes, and nothing will change when it comes to who’s holding this senate seat.
The only possibility of change is if Tester has a heart attack.
The guy’s heavily overweight, he travels all the time, and – judging from both of those – he doesn’t eat right.
I doubt he exercises much. His health’s only saving grace is that he doesn’t smoke and probably drinks rarely.
How long can the guy’s ticker keep it up?
The House Dems
I cannot tell you how unexcited I am over the gaggle of Dem House candidates trying to take Gianforte’s seat.
What is there to get excited about?
I saw Kathleen Williams put up an image a week ago of her in hunter’s orange, out in a field with a rifle.
I thought it was a damn good image…but I’m wondering who’s she’s trying to reach.
You see, Dems don’t care about that stuff. In fact, they despise it.
But moderate Dems, independents, and crossover GOPers love it.
Problem’s that those folks won’t have a chance to vote for Williams unless she makes it to the general. At this point, I don’t see her making it that far.
Right now we see the varying MT Dem factions jockeying for either Heenan or Kier. The Sanders folks vs. the Hillarycrats, respectively.
Who will win?
I dunno.
I do know that whoever wins won’t beat Gianforte.
- Heenan raises $2 million, Gianforte will raise $4 million.
- Kier raises $6 million, Gianforte will raise $12.
‘Raise’ is really a misnomer – we all know Gianforte will just inject that money from his vast wealth. Remember, he’s the richest member of the 535 members of Congress.
How can you beat that?
It’s the same with Tester…how can you beat that?
Simple – don’t play the money game.
Trump beat Hillary despite the fact that she outspent him nearly 2-to-1.
People are sick of money in politics. It’s just that our current politicians – while realizing this – haven’t figured out how to pull themselves away from the trough, or win if they’ve never eaten from it.
One day they will learn this, however, and that’s when Citizens United will crumble and become irrelevant.
You know that our corrupt 535 will never get rid of it, despite paying lip service during election years that they ‘want to.’
As usual in this country, it’ll be you and I that do the true work.
Finally…the Super Bowl
I know the Eagles are going to win. Americans want them to.
We’re sick of dynasties in this country; we’re sick of those that win too much.
I wonder how astrology and the recent lunar eclipse will play into it.
Tom Brady is a Leo, or lion, an animal that runs on the ground with a mighty roar.
Nick Foles is an Aquarius, a water-bearing sign.
When we look at the two teams, we see they’re ruled by Leo and Aires – the lion and the hawk/eagle.
When we combine those two animals we get the griffon, which is often considered to be the most majestic of all the mythological beasts.
Will this game be majestic, or will it be a blowout? I do know that it’ll be hard to overcome the excitement of the last Super Bowl, which saw the Patriots come from over 20 points behind to win.
The last time the Eagles were in the Super Bowl was 2005…and they lost to the Patriots.
It’ll be a good game on Sunday, and I’m so happy I can watch it for free online.
Nearly 46 million watched the State of the Union Address this week. Last year 114 million watched the Super Bowl.
In America, we know what we care about.